60 Minutes With The Inventor of the Cell Phone And A Lot of Talk About Their Use In Healthcare – the Under Estimated Powerhouses With Respect to Meaningful Use with Physician and Patient Participation

If read this blog often enough, I have been talking this same story for 2 years now, but few seem to get it, but it is what has been happening behind the scenes.  imageWith cell phone software development, so of this has been created 2-3 years ago and even farther back too, and it’s just a matter of “when” it is ready and when it  gets released.

Again, I have been talking for quite a while and have many posts on “devices that report data” and I have to admit some of these are pretty exotic.  I always mention that blue tooth inhaler as being one of the top of the list when it comes to being exotic.  This video is well worth the watch to get cued in on where cell phones and regulation are headed as no longer will be be able to put regulation in only one department.  The FDA as an example is going to have to collaborate quite a bit with other departments, like the NIH and DOD to name a few.  It’s time for the software folks to invade the FDA, and I mean that in a good sense.  

Cell phones are also good ways to not only engage physicians, but patients too.  Let’s face it everyone wants a game of sorts and the cell phone is the tool that brings mobility in a small box.  Granted there may be times when we want a bigger box and there are those too, such as Tablet computers so many of us, self included have a couple portable devices we use.  We like choices based on what our needs are going to be for the next few hours or day even.  They talk about the imageconsumer is king so I think this is what the phone could do and really be beneficial and have had nothing but positives on using a cell phone to scan medications and devices.

Microsoft Tags – Microsoft MSDN Posts Ideas from the Medical Quack About Use in Healthcare!

What is interesting though is to hear at the end about reading minds, and I think those 2 might be surprised to find out that there is that capability out there and it is not a long ways off, and I say that with full respect to the age of both individuals here.  Funny hearing the mention of “blue teeth” here.  Homeland Security has a device that they are testing that reads minds and they have run around with it in a few places to include shopping malls to see what’s on the minds of passers by, um…keep an eye out as to who’s in the shopping mall next to you.

Homeland Security Working on a Device that Can Capture Vitals from up to 40 Feet Away – Is the Future of an Emergency Room at the Hospital Too?

When you watch the video, Marty Cooper does “hands on” and that part hasn’t changed to appreciate what you can do.  Just like me he talks about the world of sensors, which I think what this decade represents. 

DARPA working on telepathic communication for soldiers – Must Have Been Talking to Homeland Security


He talks about what can be predicted with the use of wireless devices in healthcare and the fact that less in person visits will be required – and says “sorry, privacy is already gone”.  

Some of the biggest areas of complaints today are the frustrations with the participants to those who are the non-participants as gee even as a blogger it takes me so much more time to write about specifics than it does to take a few minutes hands on.  Some problems we face today with getting laws and rules in place have to do with the fact that those at the top in those positions are non participants and that frustrates everybody as “they don’t get it.  BD

CBS’ 60 Minutes program last night featured a story on Marty Cooper, the inventor of the cell phone. The program includes a number of mentions of mobile health, including mentions of MedApps and Montage Systems. A number of the clips are from the show floor at CTIA Wireless 2010, where MobiHealthNews put on our Everywhere Healthcare event.

Marty Cooper is also on the board of GreatCall, the parent company to Jitterbug, which has a number of health services available to its users through the Jitterbug handsets.

60 Minutes: Marty Cooper and mHealth | mobihealthnews

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