Fewer Full Time Jobs – Employers are Using More Contracted Positions – Healthcare Companies Too

Recently in the news big employers are looking at their options with providing benefits too, so even if you do land a position the benefit departments and perks still could grow smaller.  I mention this as the article states that healthcare jobs are slated to grow and there could be more employee jobs created, but slimmer on the perks side of things, depending on what some of the large employers decide to do.  The whole process of what employee benefit packages were set out to be years ago has evolved way beyond the initial design and with current technologies and economics today perhaps there’s a change in the air.image

Big Companies are Finding Out With Employer-Sponsored Insurance It Just Might Be Cheaper to Pay The Fines

At any rate we still keep hearing about job cuts and in the news today it was HP cutting 9,000 positions, and that’s a huge chunk.  Automation is replacing many of these positions at HP and moves of this type are continuing all over with employers.  In the case with HP, Intel processors are playing a role here with more powerful processors that can replace servers and combine with just one. 

Wall Street has already begun employing those chips and now we are talking some very fast processing speeds being gained here and I actually pondered if some of the inequality of some new and some old may have lead to a  delayed server fail over on the day of the “flash crash” myself, again just pondering here as new software/hardware configurations enter the picture with massive data houses. 

One of the big FDA issues today in the news is looking at how many “contracted” employees Johnson and Johnson used at their plant which had all the recalls, so this is something that is happening everywhere and who knows with time taking it’s course, whether or not the employee perks will stay or remain at some of the same levels employees enjoy today.  BD 

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Jobs may be coming back, but they aren't the same ones workers were used to.

Many of the jobs employers are adding are temporary or contract positions, rather than traditional full-time jobs with benefits. With unemployment remaining near 10%, employers have their pick of workers willing to accept less secure positions.

Health care reform legislation passed earlier this year, which will create a mandate for employers to provide health benefits for employees but not contractors, will also feed the trend.

Sara Horowitz, the founder and executive director of the Freelancers Union, an advocacy group for freelancers and independent contractors, said that employment laws and protections have been slow to recognize the shift. For example, independent contractors aren't eligible for unemployment benefits. And they have to pay both the employee and the employer match on their Social Security taxes.

Employers hiring fewer full-time workers, more contractors - Jun. 1, 2010

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