RAZCODE (Microsoft Tags) Using Smart Phones to authenticate MDs When e-Prescribing Controlled Substances

The same technology I have been talking about for use with medical device and drug recalls for consumers and medical staff to be able to scan with their cell phones is also a potential solution that can imagebe used for compliance with the new DEA rules for authenticating a prescribing physician.  Bob and I had exchanged a few comments here and I provided the link to Dr. John Halamka’s blog, “Life as a Healthcare CIO, at Beth Israel Deaconess-Harvard to take a look and get some additional information as he documents and takes the time to keep us all updated in both technical and layman’s terms.  I had actually made a comment thinking that the technology had some potential.  In case you missed the consumer/FDA/device/drug side of some of the many posts on the blog, here’s a link below. 

Microsoft Tags – Microsoft MSDN Posts Ideas from the Medical Quack About Use in Healthcare!

Back on track here the video does a pretty good job at showing how this could work.  I agree with the fact that carrying around another token is a pain and something else to keep track of and every computer whether it be a tablet or a desktop may not have a biometric finger reader, but if you think about it, the cell phone is pretty much tied at the hip today and usually very close by, so perhaps this is a solution without imageadding any additional devices and independent of biometric modeling if not available.  RX Jibe is a gateway with RazCode technology and embeds the information in a Microsoft Tag.  A prescription ID is created and the EMR vendors can work and combine with their existing software, so keep in mind this is a bit in the rough and not a full finished product example with a real medical records system.

Bob uses a BlackBerry to take the picture of the tag.  The website, Razoron Health Innovations has additional information for both the provider and the consumer side with details on how this would work as well as information on the other gateway services offered. 

“With HealthJibe Connect and RAZCODE tokens, any health application or device can easily implement and offer a variety of connected health features as part of their solutions, become part of a connected and mobile health ecosystem, and drive increased user value, adoption and satisfaction.”

Tag that Script!  The sample image shows the Tag that will be included with each prescription and this can also be expanded to create a data base of scripts that are authenticated in this fashion with additional details since we are all looking to accumulate and aggregate data today to save time and provide better care with simple and easy methodologies. 


Now after watching the video here’s another link below and  hospitals and larger practices could even look at using a “Surface” unit to do their prescriptions.  If you watch the video at the link below, you can see how a “Tag” authenticates a physician in the demonstration done by Microsoft.  Even if biometric authentication was used at a facility, this stands to be a back up alternative as well.  I was chatting with a physician  in New Zealand a couple weeks ago and he’s already using a form of bar coding to authenticate his prescriptions with the pharmacies there, so they know the origin.  He liked the additional features that Tags has to offer too. 

Microsoft Tags in Healthcare – Comments and Demonstration at “Microsoft Connected Conference” with Surface

As I have mentioned before all of us as consumers really needs this technology to check for recalls as the number unfortunately is growing.  Just over the weekend more recalls were posted from J and J with the children’s products and there were IV products recalled that are very commonly used.  Hospitals may have a registry system for some of this, but what about outpatient facilities and offices that administer chemotherapy.  It’s some think about now as we have no system and items get missed.  We have more intelligence today to stay on top of what was missed and overlooked in the past in the quest for safe care. 

FDA Alert Product Recall Intravenous Products From Claris Lifesciences Also Marketed Under the Names of of Sagent, Pfizer and West-Ward - Contamination



Now for something else you can do, connect devices to put your information and data on auto pilot for entry into your PHR.  Who wants so spend time doing this manually if you don’t have to and automation of data from devices into medical records is just beginning.  This is the same technology, different type of gateway, that’s all. 

Below you can watch and see how to connect the Withings Wi-Fi scale with Microsoft HealthVault with the use of the same Tag technology.  Every time you step on the scale your weight goes right into your HealthVault account.  HealthJibe is the gateway where you sign up for the service through the gateway and register.  In this case the Withings web page will send you to HealthJibe to get set up.  In essence your pounds are being authenticated through a similar gateway as mentioned about with e-prescribing.  Here’s a couple of past posts from the last few months. 

Withings WiFi Connected Body Scale Integrates with Microsoft HealthVault To Use WiFi to Record Your Weight

Connecting HealthVault/Google Health and More to RazCode Encrypted Microsoft Tags – Automate Data Input

This technology with mobility and easy of use has so many areas where it can be helpful, useful and save time.  For the consumer end of all of this, it so simple. 

There’s a lot on the table and much to explore with the new DEA regulations for controlled substances and it will be interesting to watch and see if Microsoft Tags work with medical records vendors for a solution.  Again, as mentioned the cell phone is pretty much attached to all of us today, doctors included so this could a real good match.  BD 

YouTube - RAZCODE and e-Prescribing Controlled Substances

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