Helicos Files Patent Infringement Law Suit against Pacific Biosciences

Helicos when they started out was one of the major companies exploring genomics imageand over the years the competition has heated up.  From earlier this year Pacific BioSciences made their announcement on the 15 minutes sequence.  Pacific BioSciences also backing from Intel. 

Pacific BioSciences Announces a 15 Minute Genome Mapping for Less Than $1000 by 2013

A couple years ago I spoke with the Chief Science Office at Helicos and now they are shifting away from Genomic research to molecular.  The lawsuit filed by Helicos states Pacific violated 4 of their patents relating to their single sequencing DNA process.  BD 

Helicos BioSciences and Personalized Medicine - Featured Interview with Dr. Patrice Milos


NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Helicos Biosciences has filed a suit against Pacific Biosciences alleging infringement of four patents held by the firm.

Helicos filed the suit Friday in the US District Court for the District of Delaware. It claims that Pacific Biosciences is infringing claims in four of its US Patents: Nos. 7,645,596; 7,037,687; 7,169,560; and 7,767,400.

Those patents cover Helicos' methods for sequencing a single strand of DNA by synthesizing a complementary strand of DNA using labeled nucleotide bases. This sequencing-by-synthesis method underlies Helicos' single-molecule sequencing platform.

Helicos has asked the court to find that PacBio is willfully infringing the four patents and to order a permanent injunction prohibiting PacBio from further infringement. It also is seeking damages associated with infringement and loss of market share and costs and attorneys' fees associated with the lawsuit.

Helicos is currently undergoing a restructuring, shifting its focus from the genomics research market to the molecular diagnostics market. Though it recently reported a nearly 200 percent increase in its second-quarter revenues, the firm also said that as of Aug. 11 it had only $3.7 million in cash and cash equivalents.

Helicos Files Patent Infringement Suit against Pacific Biosciences | GenomeWeb Daily News | Sequencing | GenomeWeb

Data Addiction and Abuse –The Up and Coming Next 12 Step Program Is On the Horizon–Side Effects Include Lack Of Data Quality, Integrity And Spasmodic Algorithms

I like technology and all the information that becomes available but with the current status of the economy and mergers and acquisitions occurring today, we can stand a little less innovation in the software area, now this excludes of course the work being done to find cures with research and development. I am talking about the iPhone apps, the new EMRs that show up every week and every little business analysis program accompanied with this “over infatuated” press release that comes out.  My choice of topic here and source speaks out about the HHS and their deliverance of data for developers to work with.  Look at what HHS admits:image

“We are offering up HHS as a data platform that makes more and more data available to a growing ecosystem of innovators,” said HHS Chief Technology Officer Todd Park. “The ecosystem is already blossoming. It’s at a point where we’re not even conscious of everything that’s happening out there with our data.”

This in itself is not a bad thing but everyone who can create a simple program has a new reality that is more important than the one we just saw 10 minutes ago and it’s over whelming.  I try to weed through a lot of this and hit the important issues that are out there.  You can also see from the quote below that HHS themselves has even lost track of what’s happening with their data.

Every data addict that is out there is salivating at the mount to create the biggest and best algorithm (in their mind) that could ever exist. This is not unique to healthcare though it’s all over the place.

Warning: for addicts, when you create something that requires more time on the computer to run and work extensive analysis programs from an end user, you are being disruptive. 

Yes I read all the opinions too about disruptive technologies being good at times, and there’s some truth in that but don’t lose track of the fact that you are being “disruptive” and potentially distractive.  I have never seen a time when you could not get 2 people together to agree on one simple matter.  Everybody wants to be able to make a decision and feel good about it, but when you introduce more software analysis systems to learn and that are more complicated than what the user is familiar with and want instant participation, you have trouble and resistance.  image

“In God we trust; all others must bring data”

There’s nobody else other than doctors that live and breath this every day as they want to make a good decision when it comes to patient care and they go along with learning very well, but when data analysis comes in beyond the notion of some small and simple improvement processes it’s disruptive and this is where they struggle today.  Some organizations are better at handling this than others and coordinate with their physicians while others just leave them out there to fend for themselves, while consistently ridiculing them for not being totally up to date with the technology others believe they should be using.  Once an MD sees value, he’s sold but not until that point.  A lot of software folks are there are not accomplishing this but rather are more so out there with trying to build the monster algorithm for their own recognition purposes.

And we wonder why there’s a resistance on the part of doctors to accept electronic medical records….I wrote one and know what this is all about and the collaboration needed and we are not seeing enough of that today.image

There’s talk about the GPS asthmatic program here, well there’s also a private industry development of the Blue tooth inhaler that’s been around for a year, so are we duplicating efforts here.  Why don’t these 2 get together for goodness sakes.  Is the fact that the one using data from HHS make it better? 

Qualcomm and Cambridge Consultants Collaborate on Vena Platform – The Blue Tooth Inhaler Gets Closer with Continua Health Alliance With Launch At The Center for Connected Care A Division of Partners HealthCare

Does the average person want all of this right now, no but perhaps in time and there are some devices that have a lot more beneficial use than others by all means. 

I have seen so many rankings of doctors and hospitals published out there that today they mean nothing.  The only ones that count is the doctor you are consulting and the hospital you are in or the one taking care of you. Sure it’s good to search on the web for hospitals that provide the services you need but this ranking nonsense only confuses people and has put hospitals in a real “stupid” spot they would rather not be in. 

In the end, rankings make it harder for consumers to make a decision and you won’t see time wasted on this blog with rankings, they’re a dumb and useless idea. 

Now we have the FDA looking at the Apps site to identify any software programs that they feel need approval from their neck of the woods and they use very little if any mobile technology in house themselves.   Again rest my case here, we are making a mess and making it difficult with out better collaboration.  This stuff feeds itself and you can have innovation coming out your ears with nobody getting anywhere in a hurry.

FDA Monitoring Apps Store To Look for Devices To Potentially Flag for Regulatory Process Requirements–FDA Could Use Some Mobile Technology Themselves Too With Recalls

How much of this is creating value?  That is the big question and some common sense should come into play here somewhere along the line with someone who can see the “big picture’.  Is this doing anything for consumers where they can sell value – hell no.  The only exceptions being the group of geeks that glob onto anything, whether it’s practical or not.image

To satisfy those geeks that glob on, you need the data addicts to feed their habits too, like junkie and the drug dealer in essence, but in this case the drug dealers are also addicted and are the cause of the geek addictions so let’s get to the route and use technology wisely and do a better job of collaborating.  Put meaningful reports and data out there.  I look at very little of it and only when I need information as I am busy and don’t have time to crawl all these websites either. 

Have I seen anything that just knocks me over and blows my mind, no.  Do I see anything created that gives value to a consumer more importantly – no.  Do we have any role models that really use any of this stuff – no.  We have a lot of people that talk about how good it is, but they are just magpies and repeat. 

The new Health.Gov is helpful and that was a targeted project for consumers, the rest of this stuff is not but the addicts when presented with data to write algorithms to create software will jump on almost anything you throw at them.  I keep a link on this blog to the site to be helpful.   Believe me I was once at that point a number of years ago and I have recovered from having to query everything I see as I found I really didn’t need all that stuff and it does make decisions too complicated if you are looking at too much irrelevant data.  There’s no big fascination any more and I fully understand how the ones with the machine gun technology rule the care and money that goes on in healthcare.

We have so much data today in different formats that the once “miracle worker IT folks” can’t run out there and put together what you want in a short time like was has been possible in the past!  Ask any CIO and they’ll tell you, it’s a headache.image

One of my readers was kind enough to write me a few chapters on how data structure came about and if you have a few minutes, take a read.  Keep in mind we are talking data use and creation and you can see how the insurance companies created the data base information, still administer and basically are all tied at the hip with the government.  With current bidding and the deluge and glut of data, can they even keep up with their “machine gun” technology to keep moving it around, updating, etc as the commenter says the contracts only last 3-5 years so if you lose the next one, down the tubes you go.  (I gave this commenter credit too as they knew the Senate downed funding for cloud computing, so it’s not just me that sees this).

“National Government Services (NGS) is a subsidiary of WellPoint (WLP). Back in 2005/2006, WLP bought 3 private companies: Empire, Administar Federal, and United Government Services. All these companies were fiscal intermediaries for CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, which works under the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Before the Medicare reform, which was under President Bush (and I have no bias about him, I'm just trying to give you some basics), these private companies were paid based on cost to administer funds to health facilities that served Medicare beneficiaries. Since blue cross had the administration experience, a lot of these companies were originally specialized departments within Blue Cross and they broke off to singularly work for the Medicare Program. Workers were dedicated to the Program and spent many years developing the databases and information systems.

So, we have fiscal intermediaries and they develop these databases so that congress and the senate have information to make decisions about the program and create laws.
One of their biggest sources of information is the hospital cost report. These reports are kind of like how an individual files a 1040 with the IRS...you submit information to the IRS and there are incentives-- like if you have a mortgage, you get deductions for your interest and property taxes, etc. Well, CMS requires health facilities, the most important being hospitals, to file these...

Where was I? The cost report...Each hospital submits an annual summary of all the services they administered to Medicare beneficiaries and the overhead costs. This is all public information made available on the CMS website for every hospital every year. So on this summary, a final settlement payment amount is calculated-- similar to filing a refund for your IRS 1040. In addition to paying for servicing Medicare beneficiaries, there are incentive payments-- nursing and allied health programs, residency programs, organ acquisition programs, Medicaid payments, and bad debt payments. This is really all that's left for Prospective Payment Hospitals...All hospitals greater than 25 beds are paid on a fee schedule...Hospitals with 25 beds or less are paid on cost

So yea, we're in the middle of contract reform, which was started in 2006 and is supposed to be completed in 2011. The government could not afford to pay on cost anymore to administer the Program, so they decided to contract out the administration of the Program. On FBO.GOV, you can find the request for proposals for these contracts. On the CMS website, under contract reform, you can see the map, where each new contract was assigned an administration jurisdiction. Under the original passing of the law, 15 jurisdictions were created. These contracts are called Medicare Administration Contracts or MACs.image

In the beginning, in 2006, these fiscal intermediaries thought that they could bid and win these contracts...WellPoint bought UGS, Administar, and Empire; they merged to form NGS. They won the contract for J-13, New York. At one time, they had 24% of the MAC contracts and thought that they were the top contractor for CMS.
However, CMS didn't really have experience with awarding contracts and competition was fierce. Companies hired lawyers and protested with the GAO...The GAO had major findings that required corrective action, re-bidding, and major delays in awarding these contracts. These delays were measured in years and they're still going on as we speak.
Only the companies with lots of cash flow could withstand waiting years to win a contract and get through all the protests.

Cigna is a good case study right now. Cigna won the J-15 MAC and subcontracted the Medicare Part A workload to a fiscal intermediary called Riverbend. This was just awarded this year and the RFP came out in 2006-- so they've been waiting 4 years. Riverbend is no longer in business and Cigna is up for sale. The other contractors that bid on the award have protested this award with the GAO because CMS awarded a contract to a company that no longer has a Part A subcontractor and probably doesn't have the cash flow to transfer the information systems to its facilities.
So, as you will see under the Spotlight section on the CMS contracting reform page, there are only a handful of contractors left in business.
Because CMS went through so many growing pains by contracting administration, they are actually in the middle of combining those 15 jurisdictions into fewer jurisdictions.
When Medicare contracting started, companies were bidding at $1.25 per claim. Now, they are bidding as low as $.60 per claim.

So now, its a double edged sword for smaller companies...they have to spend the money on IT to update their systems and at the same time, cut overhead high enough to where they can bid at $.60 per claim.
The major problem is that they have people who dedicated years to the Program and making these databases. So if they lose those employees, which is what is happening, no one knows how to access the data and new employees take years to learn the systems...image
Companies like WellPoint have the cash to change the systems, make them more efficient, and make them automated. This reduces labor and also it reduces the type of labor. Before, someone would require high IT skills, high analytical skills, and an accounting background. WellPoint had to change the systems to reduce labor costs, so that the systems can be operated by not so skilled workers. That's the only way they could reduce costs in the long run to compete at $.60 per claim.
The problem with that is even now, its so complex, its very hard to cut this skilled labor and still meet the requirements in the MAC contract.
Another major problem is that these contracts only last 5 years. So its really like doing a project for the government. By the time the company sets up the infrastructure to complete the contract, its time to pack up...Meaning, they don't want to be stuck in a building lease...WellPoint is currently experimenting with having labor work from home so that no matter where the contract is in America, their workers can do the job from their computer in their pj's

This is a good thing, but the government did not approve cloud computing as part of the contract because they couldn't grasp the concept...With cloud computing, the software would have been designed so that a contractor would update the software and all the hospitals would have the software...the data would be in a cloud-- a server housed wherever, and all the hospitals could access that server with the electronic health records. It is unfortunate that the government could not grasp this concept because it could not only save lives by giving hospitals access to records, but it is also more efficient and less costly going forward...”

Now once you have read all of this is makes one wonder, what was the illusion of a public insurance plan;  after reading all of this was it just that, an illusion with no data resources?   There’s no infrastructure to run it unless it went over to Social Security who is in their own world of having to update so their data can scale and they can get out of COBOL, yes you heard that correctly. and they are working on it.


Innovation needs balance and I’m not seeing that at all, and even the VC investments are down, again due to over indulgence in too many non focused directions and everyone complains on Wall Street about that too. When the pressure gets to be too much we focus on a mosque, something we know how to make a decision about, and if it isn’t that it’s something like it that is simple.  Be nice to your friends and don’t let some of the silly statistical stuff get in the way as it will always be there but you have choices with a lot of this.  A little less focus on who can write the most productive algorithm would help, the work can go on but for goodness sakes let’s take the big focus off the production of the software as it will continue to evolve on it’s own.  One other item too is that once the software is created, there’ support and learning that is chapter 2. 

Nobody has done squat to help engage the consumer so far as they are so wrapped up in analytics, the patient is still left out in the cold and heck we don’t even see any leaders using any technology themselves.  We used to see President Obama using technology but that seems to have died along the way too and he was the shining star that did engage consumers. 

In jest, why doesn’t HHS work on a a new program to help those with this chronic condition of data addiction? 

Mark my words it’s evolving and I just happened to write about what I see and could be ahead of my time here <grin>.  BD 

In December, the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) will launch a Web-based bonanza of healthcare data – leading health indicators on the national, state, regional and county level that can be sliced, diced and mapped in a variety of ways.

HHS’s Community Health Data Initiative (CHDI) will release all of this data in a standard format that can be exported automatically to Web-based applications. In doing so, HHS hopes to spark the next generation of healthcare applications that will lead consumers, doctors, policymakers and others to make better decisions and improve the quality and reduce the cost of healthcare services.

Innovative healthcare applications that exploit government data are already emerging:  from inhalers equipped with GPS systems that track when and where asthma patients need their medication, to iPhone apps that locate the nearest emergency rooms and dashboards that rank counties by the quality of their healthcare systems.

HHS has already offered what it calls “a glimpse of the beginning” of the next generation of Web-based healthcare applications. On June 2, the agency showcased more than a dozen cutting-edge healthcare applications at a Washington D.C. event when it unveiled the Community Health Data Initiative.


3M Acquires Attenti For $230 Million–One Subsidiary HomeFree Monitors Nursing and Home Based Patients

Just yesterday 3M purchased Cogent technology and today we have one more purchase of a company from Israel with 4 subsidiaries that specializes in monitoring from nursing homes to police agencies with alcohol compliance, etc.


CrunchBase Information

3M Buying Cogent Technology Company-Cost Around $943 Million

Tel Aviv-based Attenti announced today its acquisition by 3M, most imagenotably the makers of Post-Its, to the tune of $230 million in cash. Formerly Dmatek, Attenti is the world’s leading supplier of remote people-tracking technologies such as ankle bracelets, voice recognition devices and alcohol monitoring technologies.

3M Captures Attenti For $230 Million

FDA Monitoring Apps Store To Look for Devices To Potentially Flag for Regulatory Process Requirements–FDA Could Use Some Mobile Technology Themselves Too With Recalls

Some device companies have already submitted their products and have received imageapproval for FDA clearance such as WellDoc and ExpressMD. There are a few others I have reported on as well that have done the same; however there’s a lot of device software programs emerging, almost daily I think as I try to cover a lot of the products on this blog.

FDA Approves WellDoc Smartphone Mobile Diabetes Tool/Software Using Bluetooth And Automated Algorithmic Analysis Processes

ExpressMD Collaborates with Rotech Healthcare for TeleHealth Patient Monitoring–Electronic House Calls

Just today the FDA announced their FDA Track site to monitor their performance imageand I think in their recall efforts its not done very well at all and is close to an “F” as they have no system by their own admittance. 

I think internally the FDA should be experiencing a little of their own mobile technology as they don’t have any type of recall program and using cell phones would certainly give them some “first hand” experience.  As a matter of fact it would help them tremendously in understanding how mobile health is working today and be able to pinpoint those mobile devices they feel need to come under an imageapproval process for the FDA.

FDA Publishes Information on How to Identify Recalls – Why Not Scan That Stent With A Cell Phone and Make It Easy for the Public and Manufacturers To Keep Up, Notify And Automate Compliance

We have some bills going here but no action from the FDA since 2004.

Bill Seeks to Arm FDA with Full Drug Recall Power And More Over the Counter Regulatory Control


Technology and participation is for everyone today and we are really starting to see imagevalue with mobility so the FDA is the perfect candidate to participate I believe too.  If you think there’s some merit to this, take time to vote and say yes if you would like to imagehave the ability to find FDA recalls by scanning with your phone. 

Here’s a company that is actually consulting and working with the FDA on nutrition, so what they are doing with mobile technology, so what’s up with the FDA and using mobile technology for recalls?

By the way I have sent my suggestion to the FDA a few times and received one generic website response so far.  I think the FDA needs to get into the mobile technology ball game as again it will help make more sense in locating software they believe should have FDA approval.  BD  

Mobile Nutritional Bar Coding
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration  is actively watching app stores for apps that it deems fill a medical purpose with an eye toward regulating them, according to Bradley Merrill Thompson, an attorney specializing in health care issues. Thompson said even smartphone apps require FDA approval, just like other medical “devices,” and the determination if an app requires federal approval is strictly the FDA’s call. Apps such as iStethoscope for the iPhone (featured today in the Telegraph) and Instant Heart Rate for Android may find themselves facing a regulatory process much like other medical devices such as glucose monitors, which could stymie innovation and put the kibosh on plans to use smartphones for health monitoring.

FDA has App Stores Under Surveillance

The Return of the Thin Client to Hospitals–Interfaith Medical Center in Brooklyn Transitions From PCs To Virtual Desktops

The hospital is using virtualization technology from VMware  and the medical records system in use is MEDITECH, one of the big ones around for hospitals.  imageNobody has to even think of why this looks good when it comes to support on a thin client versus a PC, as there is none on the device other than a little hardware.  Back in the old days we used to call these “dumb clients” and I think thin client does have a much nicer ring to it. 

Wyse is the supplier and they have been around for a long time with thin clients and I used to do business with one of their divisions years ago in Garden Grove, CA.  Price of a device is something to look at to as there’s no ‘guts’ in the thin clients.  Here’s a picture of the VMware unit and it requires no operating system at all.  You just hook up the monitor(s), keyboard, mouse and you are pretty much ready to go.  All data is stored on the server and much easier for the IT Department to manage-one place to go to trouble shoot.  image

Thin clients also say a lot of positive things for security too.  This is interesting to see this transition and it may not be for everyone but it certainly beats a help department running after and supporting PCs in their environment.    image

SAN FRANCISCO--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Today at VMworld 2010, Wyse Technology, the global leader in cloud client computing, today announced how its customer, Interfaith Medical Center, has begun the transition away from PCs in favor of Wyse thin clients. Interfaith, a multi-site community teaching healthcare system that provides a wide range of medical services throughout Brooklyn, New York, operates a newly-modernized hospital and 16 clinics, serving more than 250,000 patients every year. Squeezed by a combination of rising costs and declining reimbursements, Interfaith looked for tools that would help it continue to deliver excellent care while reducing administrative costs.

The Interfaith IT team saw MEDITECH training as an opportunity to begin the transition away from PCs toward virtual desktops. With the imageassistance of Tech Access Corporation, a regional Wyse reseller, they decided to implement Wyse thin clients to train healthcare workers. The team set up four training labs, each with 15 desktop workstations, rotating all staff through a multi-day training course.

New York-based Healthcare Leader Turns to Wyse and VMware View™ to Deliver Secure Patient Care and Meet HIPAA Regulations at Lower TCO | EON: Enhanced Online News

State of Virginia Still Disrupted By IT Outage–Update

This is an update of a post from a few days ago and as of today many government agencies are still suffering without their data.  If we can perhaps convince the US imageSenate of the value of cloud computing so they will appropriate funds perhaps the federal government could take advantage as well as the State of Virginia.  Perhaps some of these recent unfortunate events might get a few to think otherwise and who know they could even become participants in consumer level IT literacy.

State of Virginia Suffers Massive IT Outage–Managed by Northrop Grumman Affecting 26 Agencies Including DMV-Same Company To Prepare “Meaningful Use” Database

No wonder the Governor was jumping all over the place to get Microsoft to put their data center in Virginia for cloud operations. 

Microsoft To Add New Data Center In Virginia–Bring In the Clouds

The governor also stated the inconvenience here to all was a huge mess and the DMV is still having issues.  New server boxes have been put in place and 13% of the state’s servers failed due to the problem.  If we had something like this in California it would shear madness and chaos to say the least with our big population.  The State said they thought the Northrop contract was risky  to begin with but they may not understand all of it either, but this sure makes a case for cloud computing to be involved by all means.  BD 

Some government agencies in Virginia were still experiencing service disruptions Tuesday, despite the repair of a storage network that last week caused a major IT system failure statewide.

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has ordered a formal investigation into a network outage that started last Wednesday and affected 27 of 89 state agencies.

Virginia Still Disrupted By IT Outage -- IT Outages -- InformationWeek

Humana Expands Presence in Puerto Rico With New Contracts Awarded To Administer Medicaid Benefits–Claim Algorithms

Effective October 1st, 1020 for 3 years the work force will be growing to imageadministrate Medicaid.  They presently offer Medicare and commercial insurance in Puerto Rico.  When it comes to having all the data and algorithms needed to administer the insurance plans have the data bases all wrapped up with the information.  This has been a very long process and way back contracts were awarded by the government to do all of this and now to administer the plans the only ones out there to have the IT capabilities are insurance companies. 

You can read more about how this works under the comment section of the post below where a reader was kind enough to trace back the history a bit and bring us all up to date.  BD  image

Medicare Contractor Gets Deal to Monitor Physician Incentive Payments

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM) announced today that it has been awarded three contracts with the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration to administer medical benefits to approximately 500,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in Puerto Rico. This expands the company’s current Medicaid membership in Puerto Rico by approximately 140,000 individuals.

Humana Awarded Contracts for Puerto Rico Medicaid Program | EON: Enhanced Online News

CIGNA Acquires Vanbreda International–To Service Expatriate Customers With Health Insurance Outside the US And Employer Benefit Packages–Medical Tourism

It just so happens the next World Medical Tourism Conference is up and coming and it’s kind of interesting too as there’s another convention of insurance companies that takes place at the same hotel at the same time as the Tourism Conference.  I noticed that last year when I attended for a day.  Medical tourism and health insurance keep getting cozier.  image

World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress Meeting September 22-24,2010

If you want to read about what I learned last year, check out the link below and read about some of my discussions I had with folks from other countries.  It was interesting to also hear how those from outside viewed our system as a big mess and a big potential for revenue. 

World Medical Tourism Conference 2009 – A Learning Awareness

From the website:

“Vanbreda International is part of Vanbreda, an independent group of financial services providers and consultants. The group was founded in 1937 and is located in Antwerp (Belgium). The group's main activities are insurance brokerage, risk management services and consultancy. In total, the group Vanbreda employs around 650 staff.

Vanbreda International are Employee Benefits Consultants and Administrators. We are specialized in the area of international employee benefits.Our core business is the plan design and claims administration of international group health plans.”

Again, as I have mentioned numerous times I post this information to create an awareness so individuals can see what is quickly happening in the world around them.  BD

PHILADELPHIA & ANTWERP, Belgium, Aug 31, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Global health service company CIGNA /quotes/comstock/13*!ci/quotes/nls/ci (CI 32.28, +0.37, +1.16%) has acquired Vanbreda International, based in Antwerp, Belgium, giving CIGNA unmatched global reach in expatriate benefits and further accelerating CIGNA's global growth strategy. image

Privately owned, Vanbreda International specializes in the provision of worldwide medical insurance and employee benefits to intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, including international humanitarian operations, as well as corporate clients.

Welcoming Vanbreda International to the CIGNA team, Atwell said Vanbreda International's strong presence in Europe complements CIGNA's position in providing expatriate benefits primarily to corporate clients in North America, as well as Europe and Asia.

CIGNA Acquires Vanbreda International, Making CIGNA the Leading Global Provider of Expatriate Benefits - MarketWatch

Aneesh Chopra: Build Database of Business Rules For States to Use To Determine Eligibility–Is This A First Step Towards a “Department of Algorithms”?

Ok so this is worded a bit different from a post I made around 2 years ago but when you read the article here, this is the first “baby step” in that direction and you have to start somewhere.  As you read through you will see the notations and imagecomments made where they state how difficult it is to determine eligibility with some states, so what do you need, a working model that shows how it is done, in other words some new algorithms. 

“Department of Algorithms – Do We Need One of These to Regulate Upcoming Laws?

The next level up from here is to create laws that are digital and algorithm centric as we need this to be able to understand what we are doing and how the software and algorithms will work.

Are We Ever Going to Get Some Algorithm Centric Laws Passed for Healthcare!

I have been hinting around for something like this for a long time as it’s the only way to get a visual to enable everyone to be able to wrap their heads around it.  All of these new tools being discussed are at the base, just some new algorithms.  BD

White House Task Force on Unfair Business Practices - A Department of Algorithms To Allow Enforcement Would Be Nice…

Life is one big algorithm it seems anymore and since the insurers use and rely on them heavily we need them too.  BDimage

Health Care Insurers Suggest Algorithms and Business Intelligence solutions to provide health insurance solution

A Health and Human Services Department panel  backed a plan to build a federal database of business rules that states could use to help determine the eligibility of consumers for Medicaid and other federal health insurance programs.
The collection of program eligibility rules in a single location would enable states to compare their enrollment processes with other states’ and find instances where systems could be re-used or merged.

One business rule that applies to Medicaid eligibility is that an insurance seeker’s income level must be under a certain threshold of the federal poverty line, Chopra said. Currently, the majority of business rules are not easily known or accessible.

“It’s hard to understand how some states determine eligibility,” he said.

The committee also pushed for the creation of a federal reference verification tool, or sample application, for states to use so they don’t have to design and create their own. The software would contain standards for states to verify an individual’s eligibility information from federal agencies.


Microsoft To Add New Data Center In Virginia–Bring In the Clouds

This is probably a very good strategic location and being not too far from Washington, perhaps those in government leadership positions may get a better picture of the importance of the cloud which the Senate chose not to budget. image

Microsoft Government Cloud Application Center Created To Assist State and Local Governments–Feds Didn’t Get Cloud Funds Appropriated For Infrastructure and IT Consolidation

See what I mean about these folks in the Senate being non participants as they probably would not have sent the funding down the river if they understood more and were at minimum active participants in general consumer digital literacy.  image

Senate Cuts Cloud Services From Budget That Would Allow for Data Center and IT Infrastructure Consolidation–Back to the 8 Track Tapes Next?

According to this article the State of Virginia went all out to get the award of the data center and just yesterday I posted about the new Microsoft Cloud services for state and local governments, and the data centers here are the clouds.  After the big outage this week suffered by the state I’m sure they may even be more anxious to look at alternative here with data. 

State of Virginia Suffers Massive IT Outage–Managed by Northrop Grumman Affecting 26 Agencies Including DMV-Same Company To Prepare “Meaningful Use” Database

The link below has a video that explains the entire data system project and how the containers work.  I spent many years in logistics and never did I think we would see “containers” being used to store data, but it makes sense.  I like the new look of this one pictured, modular to keep the cost down with building the center.

The Azure Cloud in Chicago – Massive New Data Center from Microsoft (Video)image

Microsoft has selected a site near Boydton, Virginia for a major new data center project, with plans to invest up to $499 million in the rural community in the southern part of the state. The company plans to build a cutting-edge data center that will serve as the East Coast hub for Microsoft’s online services.

Microsoft’s decision is being welcomed by officials in Virginia, which engaged in a pitched battle with neighboring North Carolina to win the huge project, which will create 50 new job

The Boydton site has strong fiber connectivity from existing routes supporting a government data center in the region. The fiber optic network of the Mid-Atlantic Broadband Cooperative (MBC) was described as a”key component” in Microsoft’s decision to locate in Virginia.

Microsoft has built four huge data centers to support the growth of its online business, including its Windows Azure cloud computing platform. The sites in Chicago, Dublin, San Antonio and Quincy, Washington have each been in the neighborhood of 500,000 square feet.

Microsoft has been operating a pair of data centers in northern Virginia, where it has been one of the largest tenants in data centers operated by DuPont Fabros Technology (DFT).

Microsoft Picks Virginia for Major Data Center « Data Center Knowledge

Doctor Fist Fight Delays Patient C Section Surgery in Italy - Mother and Son Were Affected Adversely During the Neglected Delivery Process

This is one of those strange tales here when 2 doctors got into a fist fight over disagreeing over whether or not to perform a C-section and the patient was in labor during the entire time of the conflict with the doctors.  image

Italy's health minister traveled to Sicily on Monday to formally apologize.  The fistfight Happened in a  state hospital between a doctor employed there and the patient’s private physician.   Both doctors are being investigated as the due to the amount of attention taken by the fist fight, the patient had to have her uterus removed and her son had issues with possible brain damage which might also be tied into the delivery. 

In short, this whole situation is stupid and could have been avoided.  It reminds me of the case we had here in southern California a few years ago where the surgeon left the patient during surgery and ran to the bank to use the ATM machine and came back.  You just wonder what goes through minds sometimes and how these things take over.  BD

MESSINA, Sicily — Italy's health minister traveled to Sicily on Monday to apologize to a woman whose delivery of a son was botched when her two doctors got into a fistfight in the operating room.

Laura Salpietro, 30, had to have her uterus removed and her son, Antonio, suffered heart problems and possible brain damage following his birth Thursday in Messina's public hospital, Italian news reports said.

Health officials and Salpietro's husband, Matteo Molonia, said the two doctors disagreed about whether to perform a cesarean section and fought while Salpietro was in labor. Molonia said that delayed the C-section by over an hour, leading to complications for mother and son.

The fistfight occurred at a state hospital between a doctor who works there and a private physician Mrs. Salpietro paid as her gynecologist.

The Associated Press: Italy health minister apologizes for botched birth

Microsoft Tag Scanning With An iPhone—Would Be A Great System to Use for Real Time FDA Recall Information -Video

I didn’t have a video showing how it works on an iPhone so here’s one I ran across imagetoday.  As usual here’s the pitch for using these for FDA Recalls and having all being able to use your cell phone as a scanner.  Here’s a nice tweet from Twitter from a Mom that would have welcomed this opportunity with the J and J recalls and perhaps J and J might welcome this idea too as they need to restore some public confidence. It would allow J and J to have a plan of action for when recalls come out as they are not going to go away. 

Tracking Medical Device Recalls – Sounds Like A Good Place for a Microsoft Tag Data Base at the FDA


Microsoft Tags – Microsoft MSDN Posts Ideas from the Medical Quack About Use in Healthcare!image

One thing for sure this conference will expose is the identification of the “participants”

I never did hear any follow up on how the bar codes were received at the National Conference of State Legislatures and I am guessing most probably ignored that part.

National Conference of State Legislatures Using Microsoft Tags At This Year’s Convention to Allow Attendees to Stay Informed and Engaged

image image

Here’s the video showing how this works on the iPhone and if you like the idea be sure an take a moment to vote.  BD

We just scanned through it and found a bunch of advertisements, but we can see how this may be used for something more practical. For example, checking out lunch menus while waiting in line. Maybe while exploring the zoo, imagine being able to take a snapshot of one of these tags and being taken to a page for more information on the animal you are looking at.

How To: Download and Use Microsoft Tag--Video Included - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog

Worker Gets Drunk and Shoots Server With 45 Magnum–Server Was Packing a Full Artillery of Blades To Defend Itself

This story gives a whole new meaning to the word “trouble shooter” <grin>.  You know this person could have potentially been hanging out at this blog as he went imageright to the source of his issues, the server will all the data and power to run those algorithms through the system.

An acquaintance of the shooter said he had been talking earlier in the day about shooting the server and maybe himself too.  The damage done was about $100k done by the bullet.  The pistol was found on the floor and the charges here are a 2nd degree felony.  Did the server shoot first <grin>.  They need one of these from HP in the video below that is bullet proof, either that or start thinking clouds. 

State of Virginia Suffers Massive IT Outage–Managed by Northrop Grumman Affecting 26 Agencies Including DMV-Same Company To Prepare “Meaningful Use” Database

Above is a link to a real disaster that is ongoing as I write that happened in Virginia.  BD

A Salt Lake City mortgage company employee allegedly got drunk, opened fired on his firm’s computer server with a .45-caliber automatic, and then told police someone had stolen his gun and caused the damage.

Joshua Lee Campbell, 23, has been charged in 3rd District Court with criminal mischief, a second-degree felony; carrying a dangerous weapon while under the influence and providing false information to police, both Class B misdemeanors; and public intoxication, a Class C misdemeanor.

Salt Lake County prosecutors say Campbell called police late on Aug. 12, claiming a man had stolen his gun and fired into the $100,000 computer server owned by RANLife Home Loans, located at 268 W. 400 South.

Prosecutors: Mortgage worker got drunk, shot computer server | The Salt Lake Tribune

Source:  Data Knowledge Center

Microsoft Government Cloud Application Center Created To Assist State and Local Governments–Feds Didn’t Get Cloud Funds Appropriated For Infrastructure and IT Consolidation

This is pretty nice as all the Microsoft Partners who sell and support Government imageCloud services from Microsoft are all listed in one convenient area. 

Additional information on cloud computing can also be found here.  The feds though have to wait as they are out of luck for funding here as the Senate killed the funding for this, they approved web services but not the cloud.

Senate Cuts Cloud Services From Budget That Would Allow for Data Center and IT Infrastructure Consolidation–Back to the 8 Track Tapes Next?image

Insurance companies love this as you can see as it’s easier to keep business as usual and increasing their technologies when the non participants in at least minimum with consumer digital IT literacy don’t fully dive in here, thus they have to rely on what others tell them and hopefully it’s truthful.  The algorithm game today is a tough one. 

Health Insurer Investments Shifting to Back the Republican Party of “Non Participants” With Health IT-They Don’t Mess With The Algorithms As Most Don’t Understand - So Fewer Insurance Business Models To Be Scrutinized and Questioned

From the website below:

“Cloud computing can be cheaper, faster, and greener. Without any infrastructure investments, you can get powerful software and massive computing resources quickly—with lower up-front costs and fewer management headaches down the road.

The pay-as-you-go benefits are so compelling that the federal budget submitted to congress in February 2010 commits to the use of cloud computing technologies and to a reduction in the number and cost of federal data centers.”


State and local governments evaluating a move to the cloud should have a central location where they can find partners and solutions with the right cloud-based solutions to meet their business needs.  To meet this need, the Public Sector team just announced the Microsoft Government Cloud Applications Center to provide government customers with a centralized place to quickly find and learn about partner applications built on Microsoft cloud computing technologies such as the Windows Azure platform.  image

Searchable by partner, solution or technology, customers assess compatibility, and obtain additional information such as contact information and links to partner websites.

Microsoft Government Cloud Application Center Connects Customers with Windows Azure Partner Solutions - Windows Azure - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

State of Virginia Suffers Massive IT Outage–Managed by Northrop Grumman Affecting 26 Agencies Including DMV-Same Company To Prepare “Meaningful Use” Database

This is pretty close to the Capitol in some areas and might shed a little focus on Northrop Grumman as they have been awarded the big Meaningful Use contract too.  This contract was just renewed and the state paid $236 Million for better service from Northrop, and doesn’t sound like it’s there yet.  image

CMS Outsourcing Creation of “Meaningful Use” Database to Northrop Grumman in a $34 Million Contract

The article states they had a storage area network failure.  Reading stories like this just seems to push the resources available in the cloud just a little closer.  According to the article 2 circuit board failures were at fault, hardware issue and they have a fine to pay.  Maybe the state legislature in Virginia may think differently about clouds as the US Senate folks don’t get it. 

Senate Cuts Cloud Services From Budget That Would Allow for imageData Center and IT Infrastructure Consolidation–Back to the 8 Track Tapes Next?

Hope they do a better job with the design of the Meaningful Use data base and have disaster preparedness included and if they have not thought about that yet, I’m sure it’s on their minds now.  10 agencies will require huge times down while data is restored….send in the clouds.  BD 

Highlights of the Revised Contract

Operational Efficiencies

Consolidates and strengthens Performance Level Standards with a 15% increase in penalties across the board if Northrop Grumman fails to perform on clearly identified and measured performance standards. - PAY-UP

Improves Incident Response teams to determine technology failures and expedite repair - FAILED

Institutes clear performance measurements for Northrop Grumman that agencies can easily track - FAILED

Adds new services to contract such as improved disaster recovery and enhanced security features - FAILED

It has been a rough few days for anyone interacting with the state of Virginia following an IT outage that affected 26 state agencies. Can a storage area networking failure really cripple a state’s IT systems?

Virginia’s IT infrastructure, which is managed by Northrop Grumman, has led to a few statements from agencies. Notably, Virginia’s Department of Motor Vehicles hasn’t been able to process requests for licenses and ID cards. These systems are supposed to be up and running on Tuesday, six days after the outages started to appear.

In a nutshell, the IT infrastructure of the state of Virginia was reportedly crushed by an EMC storage area network failure.

Virginia's IT outage doesn't pass management sniff test | ZDNet