“mHealth Moving Faster than Expected”–Did Someone Just Wake Up–It’s Been Moving Fast For a Number of Years

Back in the middle of 2007 I was listening and talking about Craig Mundie from imageMicrosoft and what they were doing in 3rd world countries with supplying cell phones that work and help those who can’t read.  Now we are trying to help and show value for those “who can read”.  The images here go back and allow one who cannot read to touch the screen and via images.  This was almost 4 years ago and the patient gets connected to a doctor who can help them, talking.

When we saw this, we all kind of chucked at the the little “barfy pac-man” guy imagepicture but it makes the point and shows “instant value”.  This is where everyone is struggling today with mHealth.  There’s a lot of good stuff out there and perhaps this is part of the problem with not enough collaboration going on and everyone trying to build the better mouse trap.  I know in doing this blog and trying to relay helpful and beneficial information I get tired of all the new apps and unless I think it has wide appeal and will help many, and have a future, I don’t post it otherwise I would lose readers in a hurry as they would get bored too.

Now doing this blog and the amount of reading I do I’m probably a bit more up to date than most and I began using a PDA when they came out, Palm and Pocket PCs before they were phones so a bit of history with myself and mobility, been a part of me for quite a while and wrote a few ugly CE embedded visual basic things, but that’s all we had way back and ugly those programs were. 

When it came time to meaningful use, no mobile incentives added in to speak of and thus optional incentives I think would have done wonders here.  They probably didn’t think too much as people tend to think about what they do and use and thus perhaps some of this was missed, back to the non participant syndrome maybe?

The Wireless Future of Medicine – The Forgotten Element of Meaningful Use -Eric Topol –TED 2010 (Video)

Medical Device =  Algorithms  =  Medical Data  =  Data Reports  =  PHR  =  EHR  =  _____.

Do you want to talk exotic, let’s go there and look at this blue tooth inhaler, and has been around a couple of years already.  Watch the video as we now have wellness and 3rd party folks, some owned by subsidiaries of insurance companies that vowing to get all the health data they can get on you, and that’ is a big part of what makes the mHealth market difficult as who do you trust.  In the video below you see the example of the data trail of the device on when you inhaled, how much you inhaled, the time and so on going back to an insurance company.  We wouldn’t mind that if it was not potential held against a patient when it comes to compliance.

Blue Tooth Inhaler

So you end up in the ER Room and file claim for your expenses, and let’s say you had some personal issues come up on the same day for example.  Would a consumer be hit with something like this?  “We sent you 3 text messages, emailed you 2 times, sent off a vibrating alarm and you were 3 hours late with your prescribed medication, and thusly so we are denying your claim”…hmmmm..nasty potential stuff here, but when it comes to algorithms for risk with insurance companies they consider every payment a loss and we can thank Wendell Potter for that bit of knowledge.  Read his book as he can tell you how they work the algorithms on the other side that we do not get to see. 

Wendell Potter Tell All Book–Deadly Spin–One to Put On My List as “He Knows Algorithms and How they Create Profits”

So when you take all of this into consideration and the fact that we don’t have many laws with 3rd parties and mobile devices, who want to jump on it as the information with some devices can lead to problems with care or potential denial of care.  Would that one person who was late inhaling be considered “fraud”…we have a lot of algorithm nutcases out there who read and determine events as such and common sense would say not, but that’s not what’s being done today as we read these OMG stories in the news all the time. 

Anyway, I read a lot of the mHealth comments around the web and so many were saying the same thing, it’s a fragmented mess and nobody can develop any real business models.  Sure there are some not connected with 3rd parties who intend to profit so check them out and find them if you can. 

Innovation Without Collaboration Is Fouling Up The US Healthcare IT System–We Need Both As We Can’t Stand on Innovation Alone

This is I think one of the real issues as to why some of this doesn’t take off, especially the consumer side as the professional side seems to do a better job and doesn’t have as much data mining going on, otherwise the hospitals and doctors would drop a lot of it and they do pay for the software too.  So, developing faster than we thought, well open eyes here as it’s been on fire and then some for a while, but again fragmented and opportunistic in some areas for profit.   Stick one of these on every member of Congress and text the hell out of it and see what they think and bring them into the 21st century.  That would make a real interesting YouTube video watching a Congressional Session with members being constantly interrupted to inhale, walk around or what ever else can be built in as this stuff can be disruptive too.  image

mHealth requires more than just innovation at this point, so add on some collaboration, aggregation and come up with stuff that shows the consumers immediate value, like my little campaign of finding FDA recalls with a cell phone and being able to scan.  If we can do this and get rid of the 3rd parties who sell and use your data against you for care and profit, we would see more mobile applications in use, but everyone needs to see the point of creating what is value for the consumer  and it’s just not working too well in a lot of areas. 

mHealth is not going to be able to sustain on Innovation alone and I think we are seeing some hints of this already so everyone wake up and let’s get rid of that impossible dream.  We know we live in the world of sensors today and just human nature is going to stop us from taking on more than we can handle and opt to give away too, common sense.  BD 

WASHINGTON – Marketplace innovation to move healthcare forward using mobile technology is advancing at speeds that only a short time ago could not be imagined, said Aneesh Chopra, U.S. Chief Technology Officer at the mHealth Summit on Tuesday.

This year's mHealth Summit, organized by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health in partnership with the mHealth Alliance and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is being held Nov. 8-10 in Washington, D.C., and has drawn more than 2,000 professionals from the U.S. and 30 countries to hear from experts on mobile health technology and policy.

At a luncheon keynote, Chopra told attendees that cloud computing and improved connectivity could help unlock progress and compress the cycle time from idea to operation. Already, examples can be seen across government and the marketplace, and the results "are astounding," Chopra said.

IT chief: mHealth moving forward faster than expected | Healthcare IT News

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