Microsoft Awards Up to $8 Million in Cash and Software to Help Veterans Get Jobs And Care

This is a good thing as veterans need skills and help once returning from duty and imageit’s hard. The private sector has these issues but not to the extent of our vets by all means. Get yourself signed up with Twitter and stay updated on new announcements, etc.  This is well worth one’s while to do this and don’t shine it on and become a participant in technology, as Twitter makes it easy.  By using Twitter for information, you never have to tweet if you don’t want to, but rather gather up valuable information, a lot of folks do this. 

Bills Gates has been testifying to a Congress for years with deaf ears (a big group of non participants with general consumer IIT literacy) on how technology is going to be hub of where one needs to be and the educational processes that go along with it, and it’s here today. 

Microsoft also has a page in their own area to help veterans with jobs that might be worth a look too.  They want people with military backgrounds and they have several already employed. 


Microsoft Military

Between what Microsoft has to offer through grants and their own sections, it is certainly worth a look to see what opportunities could be there.  BD

US Veterans

The company announced today the grant recipients of its Elevate America Veterans Initiative, a series of training and placement programs to help give veterans and their families the skills and resources they need to succeed in today’s work force. Six nonprofits that work with veterans and their spouses will share $2 million in cash and up to $6 million in software and information technology skills training curriculum.image

The announcement, made one day prior to Veterans Day in the U.S., comes as veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars return home to an unemployment rate higher than the national average, which stubbornly holds steady at 9.6 percent, said Akhtar Badshah, Microsoft’s senior director of Community Affairs. The veterans initiative builds on Elevate America’s mission to provide technology training and help prepare people for the 21st century workplace. Badshah noted that veterans are uniquely qualified to thrive in that environment.


Today, Gonzalez works as a customer service representative at a small company in San Diego, Calif. She credits VetWORKS, another organization that will receive a Microsoft grant, with helping her land an internship that led to a fulltime position with the company. The group helped her polish her resume and target her online job search. She encouraged all veterans returning from overseas and looking for work to reach out to similar organizations that want to help.

“I would say that organizations like VetWORKS are the best options out there,” she said. “There is a lot of help out there for veterans. It's just a matter of doing your homework and going out to them and saying ‘I need help.’”

Microsoft Awards Up to $8 Million in Cash and Software to Help Veterans Get Jobs: Microsoft today awarded grants to six organizations that help veterans and their spouses find jobs. The grants were part of the company’s Elevate America Veterans Initiative, a series of training and placement programs.

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