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Teva and Ranbaxy Agreement Announced for the Sale of Generic Lipitor
Teva and Ranbaxy Agreement Announced for the Sale of Generic Lipitor

With the huge sales of Lipitor Pfizer has had over the years, this has to be one of the hottest generics around today as Teva will profit from a portion of the sales.  Pfizer in the meantime said the would sell name brand Lipitor at the generic prices.  Earlier this month, Teva announced laying of…

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FINRA Sanctions Firms for Selling Interests in Troubled Companies, One in the OC, Capital Holdings Financed IHHI–Chain of 8 Hospitals in the OC–Guns, Porn You Name It All Here
FINRA Sanctions Firms for Selling Interests in Troubled Companies, One in the OC, Capital Holdings Financed IHHI–Chain of 8 Hospitals in the OC–Guns, Porn You Name It All Here

This is a healthcare soap opera if you have ever heard one.  I guess living here I’m probably a little closer to this and have friends who work for IHHI and it is a mess and a Ponzi scheme.  Here we go back to 2009 where Capital Holdings was closed and the hospitals didn’t know if they were going to…

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Former FDA Chief Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach Appointed to the Board of Directors For BioTime and OncoCyte
Former FDA Chief Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach Appointed to the Board of Directors For BioTime and OncoCyte

In the last couple of years the former FDA Commish has also landed a couple of other board positions as well which I hope will keep him out of Gingrich’s think tank which is maybe where one may not want to be today.  Former FDA leader von Eschenbach Named to Viamet Board of Directors Former FDA C…

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Watson Pharma Gets FDA Approval for Generic Version of Contraceptive Yaz–A Drug That Has Suffered Recalls & Other Issues
Watson Pharma Gets FDA Approval for Generic Version of Contraceptive Yaz–A Drug That Has Suffered Recalls & Other Issues

Back in the middle of 2010 we had the somewhat hidden recall from the FDA of YAZ as they were out of spec.  Hopefully this won’t happen again with the generic version, but this indicates to me this is one to keep an eye on.  The Unknown FDA Recall of Bayer's Yaz Contraceptive Pills (And Some Pre…

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Report on Jobs Program With Measures to Create Livelihoods–Fix the Math and Create Algorithms to Move Money and Re-Focus on Better Health Versus Risk Assessments
Report on Jobs Program With Measures to Create Livelihoods–Fix the Math and Create Algorithms to Move Money and Re-Focus on Better Health Versus Risk Assessments

This is a nice detailed report and says a lot of what I say and again the focus on fixing the math and the algorithms.  Today Harvard put out a study that said there’s a big tendency for the creative to be deceptive and basically for lack of a better choice of words, they cheat with mathematical for…

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FDA Compliance Seminar on Access Data Base Validation in Drug Discovery
FDA Compliance Seminar on Access Data Base Validation in Drug Discovery

This was worth nothing and the seminar is coming up in January.  Good old Access still the work horse of a lot of data base work.  Actually sometimes with SQL server you may find some front end Access Data Bases combined with SQL to do the work that you can’t program in SQL, they are still out there…

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Toilet Paper Fraud–Elderly Customers Were Sold More Than 70 Years Worth of Toilet Paper Formulated for Septic Tanks To Pass Federal Inspections
Toilet Paper Fraud–Elderly Customers Were Sold More Than 70 Years Worth of Toilet Paper Formulated for Septic Tanks To Pass Federal Inspections

This is about as low as it gets!  I can see today how this happened as sometimes even writing this blog, I feel like I am writing Sci-Fi at times.  What is bad is when you read through here and the company put the folks who were suckered in on an “official idiot list”.  Three sales representatives f…

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ER Building Boom By Hospitals in Some Parts of the US Taking Place–Cash Cows for Hospitals to Lure Insured Patients in Affluent Areas–Bigger Exposure to Re-Admissions
ER Building Boom By Hospitals in Some Parts of the US Taking Place–Cash Cows for Hospitals to Lure Insured Patients in Affluent Areas–Bigger Exposure to Re-Admissions

Just when you think you have heard it all, we now have free-standing ER facilities being built and this story focuses on an area in Washington state, right outside of where some of the biggest tech companies operate with some of the best employee health insurance benefits.  Is this wrong, you tell m…

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FDA Approves Middle of the Night Sleeping Pill–Treatments Are Getting Specific–Is This Personalized Medicine?
FDA Approves Middle of the Night Sleeping Pill–Treatments Are Getting Specific–Is This Personalized Medicine?

Ok so a little humor as you are only supposed to have this sleeping aid if you already have some sleep under your belt.  It’s a lower dose so that one does not get up and take another full dose is what I get from this one. The middle of the night is kind of funny actually as it’s just a lower dose…

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Merck In Germany Fighting Merck in the US Over Facebook Page–German Merck Files Lawsuit & Wants Their Page Back- How Good Is That Privacy Over There..
Merck In Germany Fighting Merck in the US Over Facebook Page–German Merck Files Lawsuit & Wants Their Page Back- How Good Is That Privacy Over There..

German Merck and US Merck are two different companies and were separated years ago.  Can one not start another Facebook page?  It’s not like these pages are “gold” for goodness sakes and there’s out opportunities, i.e. like the official company websites which where I would go anyway if needing any i…

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High Frequency Trading Firm Fined $850k for Losing Control of an Algorithm in Rapid Succession Buying–Bad Math and Some Killer Algos At Work- Keep Occupying…
High Frequency Trading Firm Fined $850k for Losing Control of an Algorithm in Rapid Succession Buying–Bad Math and Some Killer Algos At Work- Keep Occupying…

Ok, get this, the algorithm had only been created the night before and only had one or two hours of testing…hmmm…how about those algos in healthcare?  It does make you stop and think as we don’t have the “speed” issues as much but there are big influxes of data tables being searched today.  There’s …

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“Occupy Algorithms”–”The Attack of the Killer Algorithms Part 5”  - Nothing Will Improve Until Audits and Actions Takes Place To Correct Formulas Built for Profit Only by Corporations And We Battle Back With Math
“Occupy Algorithms”–”The Attack of the Killer Algorithms Part 5” - Nothing Will Improve Until Audits and Actions Takes Place To Correct Formulas Built for Profit Only by Corporations And We Battle Back With Math

This is kind of a summary statement of what I have been saying for the last number of years.  The Occupy movement basically reinforces this with the frustrations, loss of jobs and market that focuses only on financial gain with a serious loss of ethics.  The Occupy movement represents this for all o…

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UnitedHealthCare Buys Another Company XLHealth HMO Medicare Advantage Managed Care With Heavy Analytics–Subsidiary Watch
UnitedHealthCare Buys Another Company XLHealth HMO Medicare Advantage Managed Care With Heavy Analytics–Subsidiary Watch

The big corporate insurance machine keeps getting bigger all the time, if not Physician's groups it’s HMO companies, not to mention other companies in the Health IT business who also sell to doctors and hospitals.  The company is the largest Medicare Advantage company by market share.  XLHealth also…

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High Frequency Traders Using Social Networks and Growing Rapidly With Algorithms That Find, Sort and Leverage-Growing At A Rate Faster Than Facebook
High Frequency Traders Using Social Networks and Growing Rapidly With Algorithms That Find, Sort and Leverage-Growing At A Rate Faster Than Facebook

I will keep repeating myself, license and tax those folks who are using all the data out there, a gold mine and guess what they are part of the 1% that have a ton of money!  This is the same platform from GNIP that Klout uses, although I have little use for that program myself.  When it comes to inv…

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