Algorithms Rule Us All--Automated Risk Scores…Tons of Error Bars, Bias and More-The US Digital Consumer Scoring System For Corporate Profit Keeps Raging On…VPRO documentary–2018
07Dec20180This is a great watch and lot of information from Cathy O’Neil, author of “Weapons of Math Destructi...
Pharmacy Benefit Managers Are Not Much More Than “Complex Well-Greased Algorithmic Human Scoring Machines” That Deny or Allow Access To Drugs To Create/Substantiate Big Corporate Profits
10Mar20180So let’s get down to what’s really happening here. Once upon a time the PBM models were a diff...
Algorithms, Scoring Metrics, Privacy and more in today’s Healthcare business world–The Healthcare Algo Cartel
19Nov20170This is a video of a recent presentation I did at the 74th Annual AAPS (American Association of Phys...
DOJ Enters WhistleBlower Law Suit Against United Healthcare–Risk Fiddling for Profit, A Walk Back Down Ingenix Memory Lane Again
22Feb20170Here we go again, back to those Ingenix algorithms and business models, getting a rerun of sorts of ...
Quants of Optum Carve Out New Outsourced Billing Deal with Quest Labs, Will Also Serve to Enhance The Scoring & Data Selling Business Conducted by Both Companies via Powerful Subsidiaries
17Sep20160If you don’t know what a Quant is, take time out and watch video #2 in the footer of this blog as th...
“Sully”, The Government’s Flawed Algorithms and Simulations Were Wrong, What Doctors Can Learn From Pilots…
11Sep20160I had to include the bit about the comparison here about doctors and pilots as this correlation over...
ICD-10 Conversion Allows Insurance Companies and Pharmacy Benefit Managers the Ability to Push More Drugs and Make Bigger Profits-The Illusion of Better Care Didn’t Happen-Cat Is Out of the Bag
13Aug20160Everyone now has made the big change to convert from ICD9 to ICD10 Coding for medical billing. ...
OptumCare Doctors to Get Allscripts Medical Records EHR–Optum Continues to Buy More Practices and Manage More Doctors Through Independent Physician Associations, Many of Which They Own
07Aug20160I’m starting to see more doctors in Orange County selling out their practices to United Healthcare’s...
Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions-Providence and Southern California Based St. Joseph Get Regulator Approval to Begin the Process
26Jun20160Irvine will be the home of a Providence St. Joseph system office once everything gets integrated.&nb...
Cigna Launches New Company, CareAllies To Manage Patient Care, Doing Same Things as Does Optum
12Jun20160By now we should all know the insurers are looking at ways to keep the cost of healthcare down and n...
Cigna Legal Case With Ingenix Flawed Formulas for Out of Network Payments Allowed to Proceed Under ERISA, Can’t Avoid the Claims…
08May20160How many companies used the Ingenix Data Base one has to question. While current Acting Direct...
Be Aware of Prescription “Claw Backs” as Pharmacy Benefit Management Profit Centers Continue to Evolve
07May20160If you have watched the news of late, drug prices that we pay are a big item as the price of drugs k...
The Rise of the Quants, Again! This Time In US Healthcare- Taming the MACRA Beast of Quantitated Madness For A Lot of Things That Are Probably Just Not True
07May20160I’ve been watching this for years with the way healthcare is changing in the US today and we certain...
United Healthcare Hits the Bottom of the Barrel Linking Doctor Information to Healthgrades Flawed Data
06Apr20160Ok if you have read here long enough, a few years, then you are accustomed to seeing outrageous flaw...
Walgreens Signs Agreement With PBM OptumRX (United Heatlhcare) and Anthem Then Sues Express Scripts
21Mar20160The long and short of the OptumRX agreement is to allow patients to be able to pick up and fil...
United Healthcare Puts Their Quants To Work Again-Designs a Subsidiary to Compete Against Them and Sell Insurance With a New Set of Algorithms Named Harken
13Mar20160You read the title correctly as United adds yet one more subsidiary to their almost 400 subsidiary c...
United Healthcare Now Offering Employers Wearable Wellness Devices-UnitedHealthcareMotion–More Data To Mine And Sell With Related Risk Assessment Scoring Processes About You-Excess Scoring
01Mar20160Here we go again, the Big Brother push and of course could all these “motion” scores be combined and...
And So It Starts With Funded Health Insurance Communities to Help the Poor and Obtain A Lot More Behavior Data to Mine and Sell For United Healthcare From the Participants…
23Feb20160If you have read here for a while there have been several posts about United Healthcare investments ...
IBM Acquires Truven Analytics–Excess Scoring & Data Selling Of US Consumers Continues to Grow–Unlicensed And the Dangerous Quantitated Hype Progresses To Further Deny Access
20Feb20160Fortune put it right out in their article on why IBM was purchasing Truven Analytics, for the data.&...
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center EHR Hacked And Being Held for Ransom..
17Feb20160Update: 2-27-2016 It was reported today via the LA Times, the hospital paid $17,000 in ...
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center McKesson EHR Hacked And Hospital Data Being Held for Ransom..
12Feb20160I’m surprised it took so long to get out as it happened a week ago. It’s been down for 7 days...
St. Joseph Healthcare in Southern California Becoming a “Nurse Next Door” Franchisee-Acquiring 26 Locations With Option for Another 12–Their Current Private Home Care Business To Be Transitioned To This Model
10Feb20161This is interesting and hospitals are under real pressure today to avoid re-admissions as they can b...
Index and License Data Sellers, Step One Needed for Any Consumer Privacy Efforts to Exist - Spurious Correlations and Flawed Data Risk Assessments Thrive To Erroneously Deny Access
07Feb20160It’s been a while since I hit this one but since last time, of course, things are getting worse out ...
United Files Lawsuit Against HHS/CMS–Doesn’t Want to Pay Their Portion of the Risk Fiddled $70 Billion Said Medicare Advantage Insurer Fraud
03Feb20160This has been kicking around out there since Whistleblower lawsuits were filed. Initially Humana was...
CMS Medicare Proposing More Data Selling of Both Private and Medicare Patient Claim Data - A New Dignity And Privacy Attack on Both Consumers and Doctors
30Jan20160Just when you think it can’t get any worse it does. If you read here often enough then you kno...
Silicon Valley Is At It Again Confusing the Public With Calling Risk Assessments a Form of A Diagnosis Tool…
27Jan20160This should be ruled trickery as that’s what it really is. When you read the snip from the pre...
Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists Funding Orwellian Software Apps For Medication Compliance-Obnoxious Pill Selfies–Time To Think About Boycotting Some VC Portfolio Companies Right Now…
24Jan20160I’ve complained about this here and there but this takes the hat. When you dump out $12 millio...
AMA Decides to Buddy Up with the Silicon Valley Data Sellers–Investing In A Healthcare Innovation Company, Yeah It’s Just More Flipping Code To Be Blunt…
11Jan20160What a difference a President makes. Last president of the AMA seemed much more interested in ...
HHS Joins Optum Labs as Research Partner–Back Peddles Support of FDA Sentinel Program That Does the Same Thing-More Impact from the Six Degrees of Bob Rubin Running Healthcare in the US
18Nov20150We know Optum Labs is there to make money, selling slots to drug, device companies and others to hav...
CVS Laying Off 150 Employees at Headquarters, Meanwhile at the CareMark Florida Ranch A New 500 Personnel Facility to Add Support for Mail Order Drugs In the Works..
07Nov20150You can’t make this stuff up and of course this is a big push to save money and get more folks on ma...
The End of “Consumer Common Sense” in the US-Fueled by Excess Scoring for Profit, Sustained By Media Publications Serving To Further The Inability For Simple Every Day Life Decisions…
24Oct20150This is topic that maybe does not get enough attention, simply due to the fact that today, consumers...
EHR State of Mind” 30 Clicks for An Ambien, Crappy Software Some Vendor Made Us” Video
19Oct20150This almost needs no introduction and I’m sure almost all the doctors today can relate to this one.&...
“Citizen Score” in China, A Huge Warning For America About the Loss of Privacy, Lifestyle and Personal Worth As Noted by the ACLU With This Orwellian Nightmare
10Oct20150You may or may not be aware of what’s going on with Big Data here but in China this is the deal, a C...
Excess Scoring of US Consumers, US Citizens-Scored into Oblivion By Proprietary Algorithms and Formulas, Never Duplicated or Tested for Accuracy-Profits of Big Business And A White House Executive Command To Continue the Abuse..
20Sep20151If you read here often enough then you know I address this topic from time to time as companies and ...
Zero days–Security Leaks for Sale (Documentary) Code Wars…Aka Attack of the Killer Algorithms…
08Sep20150Here we go again and another great documentary from the folks at VPRO. Scroll down to the bott...
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