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United Healthcare Owns a Bank-Optum Bank That Will Collect Your HSA Money, Give You a MasterCard to Empty It Out-Which Enables Even More Data Mining and Selling Transactions About You
United Healthcare Owns a Bank-Optum Bank That Will Collect Your HSA Money, Give You a MasterCard to Empty It Out-Which Enables Even More Data Mining and Selling Transactions About You

How many people know that Optum has a bank?  They don’t offer any retail services outside of an Health Savings Account to the public but many companies offer this for people who have a high deductible health insurance policy.  You can read through Yelp and make your own opinions if you want to dive …

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If You Are Insured by Cigna, Guess What You Have a New Pharmacy Benefit Manager Named United Healthcare
If You Are Insured by Cigna, Guess What You Have a New Pharmacy Benefit Manager Named United Healthcare

First question out of the barrel might be “how can that be”.  It’s really not too difficult to figure out.  A short while back United Healthcare bought a pharmacy benefit manager named Catamaran, and actually took on $10 billion in debt to acquire them.  This has been in the news for a while actuall…

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The End of “Consumer Common Sense” in the US-Fueled by Excess Scoring for Profit, Sustained By Media Publications Serving To Further The Inability For Simple Every Day Life Decisions…
The End of “Consumer Common Sense” in the US-Fueled by Excess Scoring for Profit, Sustained By Media Publications Serving To Further The Inability For Simple Every Day Life Decisions…

This is topic that maybe does not get enough attention, simply due to the fact that today, consumers  are just blasted with a score for this and a score for that, basically establishing a brain washing process to where we are becoming a “Dupes of Hazard” community in the US and maybe beyond.  There …

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CMS Medicare Part D Program With Medication Therapy Management–Here Comes the Flawed Medication Adherence Prediction Scores, Make Sure Jane Doe Gets the “Cheap Meds”..
CMS Medicare Part D Program With Medication Therapy Management–Here Comes the Flawed Medication Adherence Prediction Scores, Make Sure Jane Doe Gets the “Cheap Meds”..

You know they are going to use these flawed medication adherence scores to determine who gets what with medications.  This is horrifically flawed.  Regulation won’t work and CMS should work towards getting lower drug prices instead of this model that comes back to pound consumers again.  That is the…

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EHR State of Mind” 30 Clicks for An Ambien, Crappy Software Some Vendor Made Us” Video
EHR State of Mind” 30 Clicks for An Ambien, Crappy Software Some Vendor Made Us” Video

This almost needs no introduction and I’m sure almost all the doctors today can relate to this one.  ZDogg MD has another hit it seems.  This is a real doctor who does all these videos so he’s on the front line.  “EHR's suck. Let's make 'em better. Go to and tell the…

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“Citizen Score” in China, A Huge Warning For America About the Loss of Privacy, Lifestyle and Personal Worth As Noted by the ACLU With This Orwellian Nightmare
“Citizen Score” in China, A Huge Warning For America About the Loss of Privacy, Lifestyle and Personal Worth As Noted by the ACLU With This Orwellian Nightmare

You may or may not be aware of what’s going on with Big Data here but in China this is the deal, a Citizen Score that will determine everyone’s worth by using all sources of data available.  So this is happening only in China? Wrong..we have Excess Scoring for profit in place in the US, and maybe yo…

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