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Cigna Legal Case With Ingenix Flawed Formulas for Out of Network Payments Allowed to Proceed Under ERISA, Can’t Avoid the Claims…
Cigna Legal Case With Ingenix Flawed Formulas for Out of Network Payments Allowed to Proceed Under ERISA, Can’t Avoid the Claims…

How many companies used the Ingenix Data Base one has to question.  While current Acting Director of Medicare, Andy Slavitt was the CEO of Ingenix it appears he was quite busy.  This case, as you can read below per a recent decsion is now allowing doctors to cotninue with their case for the use of t…

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Be Aware of Prescription “Claw Backs” as Pharmacy Benefit Management Profit Centers Continue to Evolve
Be Aware of Prescription “Claw Backs” as Pharmacy Benefit Management Profit Centers Continue to Evolve

If you have watched the news of late, drug prices that we pay are a big item as the price of drugs keeps going up.  The pharmacy benefit management company is the middle man in between the pharmacy and you.  Their computers connect to the PBM and they are given the price to charge you according to y…

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The Rise of the Quants, Again!  This Time In US Healthcare- Taming the MACRA Beast of Quantitated Madness For A Lot of Things That Are Probably Just Not True
The Rise of the Quants, Again! This Time In US Healthcare- Taming the MACRA Beast of Quantitated Madness For A Lot of Things That Are Probably Just Not True

I’ve been watching this for years with the way healthcare is changing in the US today and we certainly need and do use constructive and good measurements in what the industry does, but just like in the financial world, we’re starting to cross some borders here into madness where mathematical models …

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