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Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions-Providence and Southern California Based St. Joseph Get Regulator Approval to Begin the Process
Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions-Providence and Southern California Based St. Joseph Get Regulator Approval to Begin the Process

Irvine will be the home of a Providence St. Joseph system office once everything gets integrated.  The overall corporate office will remain in Washington.  This process began back in November of 2015 so the approval has now just been given for the merger to go forward.  The new company names combine…

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The Truth About Pharmacy Benefit Managers and Prescription Discount Cards–Created With Automated Algorithmic Processes That Enable Huge Profits-Consumers at Risk!
The Truth About Pharmacy Benefit Managers and Prescription Discount Cards–Created With Automated Algorithmic Processes That Enable Huge Profits-Consumers at Risk!

One thing we all hate is the high prices we pay in the US today for our prescriptions.  Sure we do get some discounts, but that too has become an effort in algorithmic shopping to click here and click there to get the best price.  It shouldn’t have to be that way, but it is as that’s how the systems…

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Cigna Launches New Company, CareAllies To Manage Patient Care, Doing Same Things as Does Optum
Cigna Launches New Company, CareAllies To Manage Patient Care, Doing Same Things as Does Optum

By now we should all know the insurers are looking at ways to keep the cost of healthcare down and now it’s coming down to pretty much an “algorithm stick” for the doctors to deal with.  This new company, interestingly enough is being headed from a former White House Executive, Dr. Julian Harris.  H…

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