Surviving the U.S. health care system

What is the answer? Having insurance didn't help this patient and she lost her life, but when the ER rooms are full and busy, I don't think anybody is taking any surveys on who does and who does not have insurance. A little technology could have also been of benefit here as some cities have ambula…
Treating the Computer, Not the Patient

If this video doesn't constitute a need for a physician using a Tablet PC, I don't know what does! This is absolutely the last thing I would want to see as a patient interacting with a physician! The tablet is just like carrying around a patient chart, only electronic and has a format much easier …
Patient Abuse in the office...
Closings are hitting the Northeast hardest - Philadelphia

Finding an obstetrician in northeast Pennsylvania getting tougher all the time according to this article, making it a bit scary to having a baby these days in this part of the country. BD Dr. Anthony Milicia has needed to find a new place to deliver his patients' babies three times in the past six…
Brown cut budget for English hospitals

Gordon Brown quietly slashed by a third this year’s hospital building and equipment budget in one of his last acts as chancellor. Prompted by the tightness of the public finances, the new prime minister, who has placed the NHS as his “immediate priority”, cut the capital budget of the English NHS…
Thousands of Cigna enrollees forced to find new doctors

More added pressure for patients...BD "I'm not going to go any longer with physicians who are not associated with hospitals in our network," Weimer said. "I've made the decision." Cigna HealthCare of Arizona is canceling its contract with doctors in the John C. Lincoln Health Network, forcing what…
Consultant Favors Cuts to Medicare Plans

"Because if you can't manage costs for less than the traditional Medicare plan, then why are we doing this?" A health policy consultant said Thursday a popular Medicare health plan run by private companies amounts to "corporate wellfare," and should be scaled back by Congress. Robert Laszewski, pr…
Insurance firms destroying health care

A letter to the editor regarding the health care system in Arizona missed the point of the real problems ("Medical liability is threatening Arizona's health care," Saturday). There is a rapidly growing consensus that the primary problem with the practice of medicine today is clearly not the feign…
A $962,120 medical bill error - Los Angeles Times

This story also shows the big difference between a "negotiated" price and the actual bill for services from the hospital, which was around 10% of the entire calculated bill with full hospital pricing. BD Helen Dorroh White thought she was doing the right thing when she called a health insurance co…
Diabetic Man Missing After Being Kicked Off Train

Not too long ago another story about diabetic shock made the this an area of awareness that we might need to look at to distinguish a diabetic attack/shock versus being intoxicated? BD PHOENIX -- A 65-year-old St. Louis man is missing after Amtrak personnel, mistaking his diabetic shock …
HMOs Propose Highest Rate Increases in Four Years, According to Hewitt Analysis

Study shows yet another increase for HMO care on the forefront. Employers taking an active role as well with aggressively negotiating with payors as well. BD LINCOLNSHIRE, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--An analysis from Hewitt Associates, a global human resources services company, indicates that initial …
Pharmacists 'Bracing' For CMS Rule On Medicaid Prescription Drug Reimbursements, Newark Star-Ledger Reports

Pharmacists nationwide are "bracing" for the July 2 release of a final rule by CMS that likely will reduce Medicaid reimbursements to pharmacies for generic prescription drugs, the Newark Star-Ledger reports (Cohen, Newark Star-Ledger, 6/24). The rule, mandated by the Deficit Reduction Act of 200…
NHS Alliance Welcomes 'NHS Choices', Department Of Health's New Website, UK

Sound familiar, similar to what the CMS is doing here....BD The NHS Alliance has welcomed the Department of Health's new website, NHS Choices (, which is being launched this week. "This is another step towards helping patients to get the information they need. We believe patients should …
ER Wait Time Problems Widespread

The problem isn't confined to hospitals that serve mostly the uninsured. Wait times of several hours also occur at places like Hoag Hospital in Orange County, Calif., according to Carla Schneider, a registered nurse and director of the emergency care unit there. "It does get frustrating," she sai…
Another employee's butchered benefits

After waiting for 18 months for insurance, he can't afford his portion, and still has almost the same amount of time to go before his child will be eligible, so even though he works for a company that provides insurance, both remain on Medi-Cal. BD Tony Mays, who cuts meat at the Vons in Echo Park…
PlanetHospital Offers SICKO Viewers an Answer to Their Healthcare Needs: Medical Tourism

I know they are here to fill a need and have save money and enabled surgery procedures that folks could not afford here in the US, but I hope this doesn't become a main stay as I would like to have the medical attention here in the US and everyone I have spoken to feels the same. If we can just get…
Hospital Computerized Ordering Cuts Medication Errors

66% drop is huge...and those that change to computerized systems enjoy the most improvement too...maybe a link here..BD WEDNESDAY, June 27 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. hospitals that switched from using doctors' handwritten prescriptions to computerized drug ordering systems had a 66 percent drop in me…
A case for deep vein thrombosis to kick in..??

A very long delay...we have all probably been there...BD …
Corrupt Doctors Plague Hospitals in Russia

As a comparison, things could be worse. From the sound of this story, money talks first and surviving is secondary. BD When Karen Papiyants lost his leg in a road accident last year, his medical nightmare was only beginning. Although, like any Russian, he was entitled to free treatment, he says…
How to use Windows Mobile Internet Sharing for a modem

This is a great demonstration on how to use your mobile cell phone to tether for Internet access. Windows Mobile 5 can do as well, just a little different procedure. This is great for a user who needs occasional Internet access when mobile with their UMPC or Tablet pc. BD Another quick-hit video…
Canada - Saskatchewan braces for health-care strike

Canada may need US assistance in case of a health worker strike. BD REGINA -- A looming strike by health-care professionals in Saskatchewan has officials preparing to move patients out of the province for care. Saskatchewan Health has asked hospitals in other provinces and in the United States …
AMA: Delegates Want Principles First with Pay for Performance

If you see the movie Sicko, the physicians in the UK receive bonuses for creating better health care and I'm not aware of the criteria that is needed, but P4P seems to be something created to go in this direction, but again, administration of the criteria is the big question and HMO criteria adminis…
Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan to sell data to large employers - Modern Healthcare Reader comments...

This is definitely a fine line on data mining and appears to be an additional query source of information. This response creates a number of unanswered issues on how the information could or would be used, especially without an option for anyone to "opt out". With drill down type queries created, …
Get a DUI and sent to local jail after an accident, you could be at risk of not get medical assistance if needed - mistaken for just being intoxicated and complaining.

A story released 6/26 about 24-year-old Emily Rice and the HMO Health Care she received at The Denver City Jail resulted in her death in a cell. On February 18 Emily was involved in a traffic accident was taken to Denver Health where she blew a 0.121 BAC was treated for a cut on her shoulder then…
Medicare Payments Favor HMOs Over Providers - Healthcare Association Of New York State

I might guess this may extend beyond New York as well...BD "New York's hospitals face consistent, dramatic cost increases every year: for staffing, for operations, for upgrading equipment, and for providing the life-saving care communities demand," HANYS' President Daniel Sisto said. "Unfortunately…
CIGNA HealthCare Battles Colorectal Cancer

Pilot program in testing for Colorectal cancer. BD Because more than six percent of CIGNA HealthCare members in Florida who participated in a pilot screening program for colorectal cancer last year had test results that revealed abnormalities -- signaling the need for follow-up tests with their do…
Inside Bay Area - Hospital will close ward to save cash

REDWOOD CITY —Despite pleas from workers to reconsider, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors voted Monday to close one of two long-term-care wards in the county hospital. The closure was approved as part of the tentative adoption of the hospital's budget for the next fiscal year, which begi…
Community Hospital's patient charts go paperless

And they accomplished this on a pretty conservative budget...BD Hutchinson Community Hospital’s new electronic records system is improving patient care and safety while strengthening care providers’ peace of mind. During a demonstration for the hospital’s governing board last week, trustees learned…
Tenet success with turn around at Des Peres hospital

Those capital improvements have begun. The changes at Des Peres Hospital, for example, will include upgrades to information technology systems. Des Peres Hospital was nearly bankrupt when Tenet Healthcare Corp. acquired it in 1998. It was treating only about 2 percent of the patients visiting St.…
Dr. Peeno - On Sicko

Dr. Linda Peeno, not much of a party woman to begin with, resented the festive atmosphere of a premiere party last week for Michael Moore’s new film, “Sicko.” The Hodgenville native, who appears in the movie, left after just a few minutes — even before getting Leonardo DiCaprio’s autograph for he…
'SiCKO' Premieres Outside on Los Angeles' Skid Row

The premiere is shown on the same street where "patient dumping" in Los Angeles had occurred. BD …
Doctors for the rich, nurse specialists for the poor - NHS Blog Doctor from the UK speaks out

Does this sound a bit familiar with some of what is occurring here? HCP would perhaps equal a nurse practitioner here with terminology. He has included some very good videos from You Tube as well, worth taking a look. Long and short of it, the NHS in England is also cost conscious these days and …
Nursing Home MAR's sent to the ED with all times removed: A new and horrible trend

Good article about nursing homes records and the scary side of this trend. It certainly doesn't make sense to me either. BD There is a new, intentional and horrible trend in nursing home transfers to the ED, and it’s not the patients. It’s the records that come with them, or more specifically tho…
Surgery, then a shock

Surgeon operates with the wrong images as loaded by staff manually. Technology with having the data link versus relying on human hands to load the disc could have been a real help. BD With her body still aching from triple bypass surgery, Sandy Baumgartner lay in a hospital bed talking with a nurs…
AMA Adopts Strategies To Address Rising Health Care Costs

The American Medical Association (AMA) announced that the nation's physicians today voted to approve a set of strategies for containing health care costs and achieving even greater value for health spending. Physicians at the AMA Annual Meeting asserted that successful cost-containment must focus…
The healthy debate over Cuba's medical care

WHEN Jose Luis Cabrera had coronary bypass surgery after a heart attack five years ago, his wife had to bring food and clean sheets to him in the hospital. But the operation itself didn't cost the Cuban couple a cent. But Gail Reed, producer of a recent documentary on Cuban health care called S…
Dr. JC Jensen, retired radiologist responds to Sicko request

Could there be work on a sequel before Sicko even hits the mainstream release? BD …
2007 AMA Medicare Physician Payment Action Kit

Commercial from the American Medical Association to block Medicare cuts and get in touch with Congress. BD AMA (Washington) 2007 AMA Medicare Physician Payment Action Kit Related Story: The American Med…
Medicare cuts threaten imaging companies

Reimbursement can and does get a bit confusing. Imaging equipment does not run cheap, nor does maintaining and servicing, thus offices outside of the hospitals who provide imaging services to help patients avoid the over crowding at the hospitals have the same expenses for maintenance and service. …
Uh oh, we're making it TOO nice!

Nice comment on "Running a Hospital", a blog from hospital CEO Paul Levy. From the various articles posted on the Internet and recent recognition for their CIO in the top 100 CIO list, they obviously have things going in the right direction with technology and it shows. BD Note from a friend whos…
Another Response from about Physicians and lack of training for using electronic records

I post some of these comments in order to help bring the awareness of training to a new level hopefully as I see this all the time. Many offices are still creating huge files of Word documents, using antiquated faxing methods, and on top of all that, THEY ARE WORKING THEIR STAFF MUCH HARDER THAN IT…
Hospitals Are Posting Surgical Results Online To Inform Those Considering Going Under The Knife

Hospitals are now posting surgery results and potential outcomes on their web sites. Excellent way for both the physician and patient to be informed up front on the potential outcome. One other nice item in the picture is watching him using his TABLET PC OR NOTEBOOK AS A DESKTOP REPLACEMENT with a…
TabletKiosk Sahara i440D Ink Show

Very nice review and video about the Sahara Tablet from Tablet Kiosk. For those wanting a unit with real power and portability, this one gets the job done. BD The i440D captured lots of attention back at CES Las Vegas earlier this year and has even be en reviewed by one of our GBM frequenters Ste…
SoftBrands Partners with Tablet Kiosk to Provide Mobile Software

Hotels and Spas are realizing the value of mobility, both in customer service and providing a live tablet PC for interactions. Those who sit in front of a PC all day have a hard time realizing how valuable mobility can be it appears. How long before hospitals and doctors offices embrace this and b…
More Hospitals Ask For Up-Front Payments, Increase Collection Efforts

The Tennessean on Thursday examined how "as the volume of unpaid medical bills increases, hospitals in middle Tennessee and nationally are turning into more aggressive bill collectors." Hospitals "increasingly ... are using sophisticated computer models to screen the insured as well as the uninsur…
Business - Big Pharma Chases Dogs And Cats

IS THE PHARMACEUTICAL industry going to the dogs? In a way, the answer is yes. A flurry of regulatory approvals for dog medicines in the past several months demonstrates a growing interest in prescription drugs for pets. These pets don't just have owners—they have people. And those people want th…
California radiologist group sues United Healthcare over payment rates ..
More about United Health Care related to the PacificCare contract....BD A radiology group in California has taken UnitedHealthcare to court after nearly a year of unsuccessfully wrangling with the insurance giant to honor PacifiCare Health Systems' contract rates it took over when the companies mer…
Health of US system is Spotty

Faced with casual comparisons with Canada or Europe, many were ready with counterarguments: Americans don’t have to wait months for bypass surgery, like they do in Canada. Doctors here aren’t constrained by government interference. Unlike in England, American patients receive costly treatments such …
Video game addiction may become medical diagnosis

We will have to wait it appears until the year 2012 before the ICD and CPT Codes could appear for this. BD The American Medical Association this weekend will debate adding video game addiction to the list of actual psychiatric disorders. Some experts believe it's a dependency as real as drug or …
Mail Encryption - Are you encrypting information sensitive emails?

As one individual, you can use the service for free. If you require service for a network of computers, the product requires a purchase. Personally, I like the Outlook integration feature as it simplified the process. You can also just request a Digital ID from the site as well. Something to thi…
Surgeon removes gall bladder from mouth

PORTLAND, Ore. --An Oregon surgeon has performed gall bladder surgery that removes the organ through the patient's mouth -- the latest example of surgeries that avoid major incisions and rely on the body's own orifices instead. Dr. Lee Swanstrom of the Oregon Clinic claims the procedure, performe…
Health leaders issue stark message to Gordon Brown regarding the NHS in the UK

With healthcare here in the US in the center arena, this is a good article telling a bit about how the Brits feel about their health plan, the NHS. One thing in common with the feelings here is that politics don't belong in healthcare. BD The British Medical Association (BMA) said the incoming P…
Complete Idiot's Guide to Social Security and Medicare, 2ndEdition

My kind of books...even though I am not a Medicare patient, the title seems to elude to the fact that this might simplify some of the very confusing rules and regulations today. BD Complete Idiot's Guide to Social Security and Medicare, 2ndEdition (Complete Idiot's Guide to) Understanding SS an…
Australia has healthcare issues too

The federal government was failing Australians when it came to health by underfunding public hospitals and shifting the cost burden to individuals, the South Australian government said. SA Health Minister John Hill was responding to the Caring For Our Health report released on Sunday which showed…
Frequently Asked Questions about mandatory health insurance - Framingham, MA

Interesting article on the mandatory health insurance law in Massachusetts. There are still a couple waivers available if you can't afford the insurance or "if your religion won't let you have health insurance". I have not heard this one before concerning religion so I guess anyone affected by thi…
Palm Beach County faces health care crisis as family practices dwindle

Something that is happening all over the country as family practice physicians are getting smaller in number...BD Dr. Jim Byrnes already has more patients than most family practices, yet every week his office is hounded by dozens more in desperate search of a doctor.Six miles west of Byrnes' Delray…
9/11 Responders in "Sicko" investigated

I think we have bigger fish to fry in this country and I'm sure if there's a fine to pay, Mr. Moore will gladly contribute to the cause, but for goodness sakes let's not lock them up and hopefully make sure they get the medical attention they need. BD After suffering more than five years of healt…
'I don't like talking about it' says Ms Judy from Romper Room - another good reason for electronic records

Good article telling about a patient with cancer having to relive the entire ordeal with each physician she meets with. BD She has never liked talking about the cancer in her body. Talking about it is a reminder of the ugly turns in her life. But in the years since Judy Fulton's battle began, sh…
Another California hospital not making the Medicare grade - Enloe still caring for Medicare patients

Enloe Medical Center wants to reassure Medicare beneficiaries that they can still be treated at the Chico hospital. After reading a story in the Enterprise-Record Thursday, some people jumped to the mistaken conclusion that Medicare beneficiaries could no longer get care at Enloe, said Laura Henn…
OC jury awards $11 million to man in medical malpractice case

SANTA ANA, Calif. (Map, News) - A 45-year-old man who suffered a stroke because doctors failed to treat an infection that spread to his brain was awarded $11.7 million in damages by a jury. The jury on Friday awarded the judgment to Joey Crumes, who at the time he was treated in 2004 was working …
Blythe hospital facing shutdown

Update on the story, definitely a sad state of affairs for everyone involved and medical care suffers all the way around. BD Palo Verde Hospital lost $350,000 in May and is on track to lose $500,000 in June, said Richard Fallon, president of Advanced Hospital Management, the San Diego-based compan…
Wal-Mart to Host Health Event

More retailer involvement in health education. BD Jun. 22--The Meridian Wal-Mart will host a health and safety event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and Saturday. The store will distribute free health materials. Dozens of healthcare and community organizations will be on hand to provide screenings a…
Lines Drawn in Calif. Health Care Debate

SACRAMENTO (AP) -- If California lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger strike a health care reform deal this year, Thursday may go down as the beginning of the great debate. Assembly and Senate Democratic leaders closed ranks, combining two competing health care bills into one that rejects Sc…
New technique in the delivery room
Visit your Doctor on the Net

Nice video showing a visit to the doctor via use of the Internet. Dr. Bill Crounse of Microsoft does a good job in showing how some of our visits in the future may work. The interaction portion with showing the portion of the body is using Microsoft Paint and the video interaction is supplied by a…
Spoof on Microsoft Surface Technology
Medical Error Is The Fifth-Leading Cause Of Death In The U.S.

Something that is within our power to improve upon. BD Millennium Research Group (MRG), the global authority on medical technology market intelligence has conducted a detailed and thorough analysis of the acute care clinical information systems (CIS) market and finds that a major driver in the US …
Health Insurers Show 14 Percent Increase in Use of MIB Data

The MIB has been around for many years and much of the information they provide is used to combat fraud, but on the other hand this information is used by subscribers to analyze applicants for all types of insurance. The agency provides the information to it's members and how the information is us…