The page in pdf format tells the story.  Sometimes as a patient we never see the "work behind the scenes" with your physician literally having to "go to bat" for you to work with the payors to submit all the necessary documentation, faxes, medication lists, and so on to help patients get the care they need and not receive a "denied" claim or referral.  I see this very frequently in medical offices whereby the time spent with administrative paperwork is horrendous.  We do have many "guardian angels" out there working for us behind the scenes to help us, the patients, get the care we need. 

The list resembles a "report card that a student would receive at school, and there are no A's in this report and for that matter not even a B+ anywhere, many Cs, Ds and some Fs. 


Hat Tip:  Kevin, MD 

Related Story: (also from Kevin, MD)


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