No lawsuit filed...yet...BD

"Our data clearly shows a pattern of age discrimination by Oxford that can be characterized as 'elder abuse,'" David P. Rosen, chief executive of the hospital and its parent company, MediSys Health Network, said in a statement.

Jamaica Hospital said that from Jan. 1, 2006, to Aug. 2, 2007, of 58 Oxford-insured patients who were referred by medical professionals for acute rehabilitation or traumatic brain injury rehabilitation, 46 were denied coverage, an 80 percent denial rate.  Many of the patients included in that data belong to Oxford's Medicare Advantage program and were frequently denied coverage for required medical treatment that would have been automatically covered under traditional Medicare, the hospital said. Under Medicare Advantage programs, the government pays insurance companies for taking on the risk of covering elderly patients' health needs.

UnitedHealth Unit Accused of Ageism


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