Interesting study...if the uninsured are paying more then why are we all concerned about the uninsured....should be be more concerned about what Medicare pays? 

California hospitals collect a higher percentage of their listed charges from uninsured patients than from Medicare, according to a study published on Tuesday in Health Affairs, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. For the study, researchers from RAND and the University of Southern California analyzed data submitted to the state by hospitals from 2001 to 2005. The study found that from 2001 to 2002, hospitals collected on average 18% more of their charges from uninsured patients than from Medicare, and from 2004 to 2005, hospitals collected on average 20% more of the charges from uninsured patients.

In addition, consumer advocates said that because the study relied on averages, it does not reflect that some individuals "diligently pay large bills while others don't pay at all" and that some can pay two to four times the rate paid by Medicare, according to Anthony Wright, executive director of Health Access California.

California Hospitals Collect More From Uninsured Patients Than From Medicare, Study Finds


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