This hospital has empty beds...perhaps the issue with not enough services...non-profit not making enough money....but with recent cuts, the benefits received from the state may also perhaps the answer is to update technology and services to attract more patients to keep the ball has to go one way or the other...if services and what patients are looking for with care related services aren't there, they won't come...BD 

“We’re out here in the rain today to inform the San Leandro community that Sutter is talking about closing the emergency room and other services at the hospital,” said Celeste Nickel, a nurse at San Leandro Hospital.
Several local political figures joined the nurses in a show of support in front of the hospital — state Senator Ellen Corbett, former Mayor Shelia Young and City Councilwoman Surlene Grant.
The nurses believe that Sutter doesn’t have a commitment to keeping the hospital open, according to a union representative.

“I’m really worried,” Corbett said. “If you look at what Sutter has done throughout the state, they come in and purchase a hospital and shut it. I’m worried they may be doing that in San Leandro.” Sutter has also said that San Leandro Hospital needs to become profitable.  “That’s ironic because they’re a non-profit and receive benefits from the state for operating as a non-profit,” Corbett said.


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