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The latest and greatest from the world of science...lot of speculation......BD 

The amygdala, the brain's emotional center, and the hippocampus, which deals with memory, light up too. This helps explain a medical mystery: When epileptic seizures start in these areas, the electrical frenzy can triggers euphoric feelings called orgasmic auras.

Orgasm researchers hope their efforts will help some of these people -- eventually. For now, reports are more likely to include the words "parasympathetic nervous system" than "try this at home tonight."image
Most patients find the experience displeasing. But in one published case, a 51-year-old woman said her auras were so pleasant she wouldn't consider antiepileptic drugs or surgery.

But orgasms are more than just muscular contractions. They feel good. So how do the brains of spinal-cord-injured people sense the pleasure? "I don't know. No one knows that yet," Alexander says.

Science of the orgasm - Los Angeles Times

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