Are things going a little to far?  Are studies of this nature crossing the line?  BD 

Scientists in the UK have successfully tricked stem cells from a female to develop into sperm.  If these cells are functional then the possibility exists for an “all-female” baby to be made from the cells of a same sex female couple.  This is the next step forward from a group that earlier did the same thing with cells from a man.  He now reports that he has repeated the experiment and made the sperm from the marrow cells of a female. The work has not yet been published not subjected to peer review.

While they also report he is seeking permission to create a baby in this way, the UK is very restrictive on new reproductive technologies.  They have a law- the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act- that restricts what can and cannot be done.

Sperm Made from Female Stem Cells- All Female Baby Possible » docinthemachine


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