Efforts by 125 hospitals to potentially avoid blood transfusions...The threat of contracting an infectious illness, however, is what many patients worry about most....BD 


A heart-lung machine holds a reservoir of blood during heart surgery at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center. Some ‘bloodless’ techniques are quite simple, such as collecting smaller-than-usual samples for testing.ms employ a variety of techniques to minimize blood loss before, during and after treatments for many illnesses -- all in the hopes of avoiding the need for transfusions. Some are extraordinarily simple, such as collecting smaller-than-usual samples of blood for testing. Others involve the use of innovative medications, such as the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells.In the operating room, physicians use sophisticated surgical instruments such as a harmonic scalpel, which simultaneously cuts tissues and stops bleeding, and pay meticulous attention to surgical technique. They also use special surgical sealants and glues to control minor bleeding, and drugs such as tranexamic acid to help blood clot normally. Blood that is spilled during surgery often is collected, cleaned and returned to the patient using high-tech systems.

Treatment without transfusions - Los Angeles Times


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