I read this article and my thought here are why? Is there that much money being saved on sending to another facility to sterilize equipment? Also, after spending many years in logistics, how would one like to maybe be the courier services taking care of this, you packages do get damaged in transit too, but there was no mention of how the equipment was being transported to the other facilities to sterilize. Imagine a package being damaged in transit and having your local FedEx or UPS driver having a nice surprise pop out?
Only my opinion here, but this is crazy! And the other question posed here, what do you do when you run out of sterilized instruments, put them in the sink an drag out some bleach? Now there is an issue with some patients being affected with the use of non sterilized instruments or perhaps not adequately sterilized. When it comes to efficiencies and saving money, I hope this is not a prime example on how some of this ends up crossing the line of good health care and saving a few bucks! BD
A national VA inspection team is now investigating a possible infection threat to select veterans from specific colonoscopy equipment used at York.
Exactly what happened and when it happened, no one has said, but Howard blames the Nashville VA.
"It's not York's fault; it's Nashville's fault because they're not doing the sterilization," she said.
Howard said since 2000, the tools have been packed up each night, placed in a box and shipped to Nashville's VA Hospital to be sterilized.
A spokeswoman for the Veterans Integrated Services Network, which oversees all six VA Hospitals in this region, said the tools are cleaned "in house," but "in house" means at either the Murfreesboro or Nashville facility. A volunteer who said she's seen instruments delivered day after day in the women's and dental clinic for 20 years said they're often dirty, even after supposedly being sterilized more than 30 miles away.
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