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I wrote about this project a few months back and now it will be coming under the HIMMS umbrella.  HIMMS is also changing a bit from a prior focus that was pretty much clinical to expand into the business and financial areas.  Perhaps the algorithmic formulas and teachings of this group will prove to be beneficial?  Does this mean healthcare wants to get closer to the banks or do the banks want to get closer to healthcare?  I’m not sure which one it is here, or maybe both.  image

There is a large section devoted to HIPAA on the site, and where questions can be asked.  They recommend that HHS consult with banks, today I’m not sure about all of that, well I guess it depends on which bank too.  They do want to start a pilot program to use banking technology with healthcare, so if it’s those algorithms that make money, well again who knows where that will lead, still a lot of gray here.  BD 

Medical Banking – If you Have Not Started Online Banking here’s A New Curve to Absorb

From a prior post:

“Ok, don’t stress too soon as this is not aimed directly at the consumer, but rather businesses, one is providers and what we are seeing here is the use of business intelligence software to help you run your business more efficiently.  There is a page with various toolkits for download. 

A tour has kicked off across the country to promote and gather information.  It is one more step in bringing the financial world closer to healthcare with transactions and further more educating the public on how some of these complicated algorithms have an effect and save or cost money.  Right now I think healthcare needs the help as the banks don’t seem to be having an issue with getting most of their money, but again this brings the point right back around to the complicated algorithms we have in the world to deal with.” 

CHICAGO – The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society has acquired the Nashville-based Medical Banking Project, moving the Chicago-based healthcare IT professional society more broadly into healthcare finance and administration.

HIMSS President and CEO Stephen Lieber and Medical Banking Project founder John Casillas made a joint announcement of the acquisition Thursday and revealed that Casillas will join HIMSS as a senior vice president managing the medical banking content area.

The Medical Banking Project will be called the HIMSS Medical Banking Project and will – according to Lieber – create a new HIMSS membership community in medical banking.

Healthcare IT has traditionally been defined by HIMSS to mean clinical technologies, but Lieber said the organization has been increasingly focused on business and financial information systems, and this move is an expansion of that trend.

“Who Should Join?
Bankers, healthcare organizations, large employers, IT executives, attorneys, accountants, CFOs, compliance officers, federal and state regulators, lobbyists, treasury and cash management executives, private banking executives, patient accounting managers, health data clearinghouses, financial clearinghouses and others.”

HIMSS acquires Medical Banking Project | Healthcare IT News


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