Well I suppose after the obvious reasons are looked at, wet diaper, etc. and you are still perplexed, this application on the iPhone says it can help you and and determine by the tones of the baby’s cry what it is all about.  You get 5 categories and I guess if it goes beyond the ones listed you could still be on your own.  It will set you back about $10 and claims to have a 90% accuracy rate with the analytical algorithms.  I’ll leave this one up to you to figure out if it is useful or something a new mom/dad might want.  Moms are pretty tuned in, so is this perhaps more geared for Dad who might not be sure (grin)?  BD

Most new parents would agree that working out exactly why a baby is crying and coming up with the right solution can be extremely stressful, so why not turn to the wonderful world of technology to solve the problem? The Cry Translator is an iPhone application that translates a baby’s cries, categorizing them with one of five possible reasons: hungry, sleepy, annoyed, stressed or bored.

Although we've been somewhat skeptical of baby translation devices in the past, we're glad to see that the claims for this app seem to be backed by extensive research. The software is the result of a six-year study said to confirm that it is possible to gauge a type of cry with accuracy.


Cry Translator iPhone App tells you why your baby is crying


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