The articles states the case is just starting and could last a few weeks. James Wood’s brother had blockages in his arteries and everything is now up for the court case to determine if he did not get the care needed as soon as possible. BD
WARWICK — More than three years after Michael J. Woods died in the Kent Hospital emergency room, a group of six jurors and four alternates were in
Kent County Superior Court yesterday, beginning the legal process of determining if he died because of medical negligence or an unavoidable health condition.
Kent Hospital is being sued by Woods’ surviving brother, the Oscar-nominated actor James Woods. The suit, filed on behalf of Michael’s son Peyton, charges that the doctor who treated Michael Woods, Kelli A. Naylor, ignored obvious warning signs that the 49-year old former mayoral candidate and local businessman was in danger of a fatal heart attack.
“What Michael Woods was suffering from was not a common sore throat,” Decof said.
Woods was sent for x-rays and returned to the emergency room, but all the treatment rooms were full, and his gurney was parked in the hallway.
“They left him in the hallway,” Decof said. Preciphs countered that it was near the nurses’ station.
Lisa J. Konopka, Woods’ fiancée, spending her birthday at the hospital with him, was beside him when, his heart deprived of blood because of a blocked coronary artery, failed. Woods slumped over and subsequently died.
He argued that had Naylor taken the warning seriously, she could have prescribed blood thinners to improve flow to the heart, aspirin to widen the arteries or even a catheterization that might have saved Woods’ life.
This is a sad case, of an ever growing trend in the medical industry. Over priced, understaffed. With health care in the sorry state it is in, it is a wonder that anyone gets help.