Today was the final day and this is a wrap up of what took place and even some of the volunteers who took time here today do not have health insurance and the imagenumber was around 7,000 people that received care. 

Remote Area Medical Founder Receives 2010 Inamori Ethics Prize – RAM Returning to Los Angeles April 27th

Also, electronic medical records were used, so for those who will be following up with local practices and clinics, the information will be easy enough to transport.  This is great to see the use of medical records at the “free” clinic too.  It’s the way to go and will end up providing better care for those who were seen here during the RAM clinic.  Thank goodness there are organizations like RAM who take the time to make this possible as healthcare reform is nowhere near where it needs to be. 

In the video there are discussions where they are talking about returning to Los Angeles again next year.  BD 


LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- It was the last day of the free health care clinic at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. One sign of the struggling economy was the overwhelming amount of people there who said they lost their health insurance when they lost their job.

The final day of Remote Area Medical's mission to Los Angeles was filled with taking care of overflow patients and following up with those who needed extra services.

Organizers estimate that they will provide free dental, medical and vision care to nearly 7,000 people when the event wraps on Monday. The focus this year is to find continuing care for all of the patients.

Electronic medical records will make following-up an easier task. Charts can be stored in e-mail to local providers.

Free medical clinic gives care to thousands - 5/03/10 - Los Angeles-Southern California-LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports -


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