Fish are still swimming in the flooded basement and there’s only 2 small generators to pump water out. Some of the hospital staff have lost family but are there still working. Some patients have died and it’s mostly the frail elderly.
The hospital only gets 2 hours of electricity with the use of a generator supplied by the government. Patients who could go go shelters have left. The video below shows the aftermath of what one hospital is dealing with and you get a real good view of all the damage from the mud and so forth. All the medical records are covered with water and mud and thus so they are not able to use them. BD
TAGAJO, Japan — The temperature drops about 10 degrees when you walk into Senen General Hospital, which hasn't had gas, electricity or running water for a week and a half.
The old concrete buildings, in a part of town between a river and the coast, were flooded on the first floor when a giant tsunami swamped the neighborhood. In these cold, dark halls, the staff — some of whom have lost their homes and are now living in shelters — work 24-hour shifts to keep its remaining patients alive.
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