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We see this a lot as those who have never touched a stick of code or understand at least the mechanics of the complicated Health IT system we have today figure out imagedeadlines they apply.  Add to this the continued complexity of today’s systems, not to mention the total change of face that we have with so many mergers and acquisitions with insurers now buying up so many Health IT companies so they can insure and then come back in with another subsidiary and sell software to the same group where reimbursements to hospitals and doctor were cut.  They win all the way around. 

I am not the first one to say this as Healthcare CIOs are over whelmed and have asked for some relief.  The ICD10 deadlines set by the same group fall into the same category today with again “figureheads” that really have no hands on and you might also say probably use very little consumer Mobile Health IT as well.  It’s always for “those guys over there” and thus when real big decisions are made there’s nothing upstairs to relate to with being non participants on a personal level. 

We have a new CMS manager coming in and if that hands on Health IT experience is not there, then we will once again have “fail” as American Business with their technologies today just eat them up right and left.  We have figureheads that don’t do math and if you don’t’ do that today, you are not doing much else effectively either.  This is not a personal attack by any means as I said the same thing when Ms. Sebelius was given the job in 2009 that business was going to eat her up alive with knowledge and math and guess what, that’s what we have today. 

It’s hard being a figurehead executive today without some Health IT in your background as you have all these other divisions that report to you and if you can’t get in your head a visual of the data connecting and the queries used, that figurehead is lost.  Again this is nothing personal, it just is what it is today on how the world has changed in the last couple of years with IT steroid technology. 

Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas Governor for HHS – Please not! Put the “Smart” People in these key positions

Guess what, does business function this way, nope.  With mergers and acquisitions this even gets defined even further.  They nail it as well as nailing their income.  A new is passed and goes into effect, out comes the business intelligence software and steroid analytics to see how they can function, find shortcomings and opportunize it for profit.  This the real world and thus that government executive figurehead doesn’t stand a chance when up against this massive amount of analytic business intelligence.  In fact they get confused and think a Facebook contest for a disaster (not riots I hope) is a good thing to do.  How do you talk HIPAA and Facebook in the same sentence?  I can’t figure that out can you?  Executives without some IT Infrastructure in their background can’t tell the difference.  I stuck the post on on Stumble Upon and the geeks went wild over it, same sentiments pretty much that I have. 

HHS Seems To Be Confused on Social Networks–Facebook for Disaster Support Contest, Give Me a Break Use Twitter Like Everyone Else Does

Again it’s hard as you have each group underneath the government executive with their own area of focus and they all want they want too, so CMS is not necessarily going to understand what the ONC is doing all the way around but they doo have items they need taken care of.  Sometimes this confusion leads to additional lawsuits too.

California Hospital Association Sues HHS With Kathleen Sebelius Named To Block a 10% Cut With Medi-Cal Reimbursements

Again nothing personal but not having executive government positions filled with individuals that are in fact “hybrids” just puts us behind the 8 ball and private industry with all their formulas and algorithms just have a hay day and the middle class gets nowhere.  The President has come out and stated “it is the math” but again when you see a new CMS executive coming in without this Health IT infrastructure background we are in for the same old ride and nothing will change except corporate USA will get richer, by using their algorithms for profit. 

ICD-10 One of the Largest, Most Expensive and Riskiest Health IT Translations–Other Countries Use ICD Codes, But US Is the Only Country Using Codes For Reimbursement

If you have done any reading at all on what Healthcare CIOs are facing today then you know this year’s extension is welcomed but don’t take my word for it, read about Dr. Halamka from Harvard Medical and what he has to say, he’s the top authority in my opinion for many reasons, he’s a hybrid being a doctor and a computer science major. It doesn’t get any better than that and I wish we could clone him.  I’m glad he sits in on so many of the committees that he does, otherwise we would not have much tech input and probably even more absurd deadlines would be out there. 

Dr. Halamka Speaks About Health IT–“CIOs are on Overload” and It Would be A Blessing to Stall Off ICD-10 to 2016 - The Straw Breaking the Camel’s Back

It just is what it is and corporate America will keep getting richer by the moment as we have folks that won’t and can’t do math in government and live in the 70s.  I recommend listening to this NYU professor audio below as he nails it.  He’s both a journalist and mathematician and explains very well how we all are naïve and confused and again without some math in your background to understand this with IT infrastructure, the non hybrids government executives get eaten alive by American businesses. 

“Numbers Don’t Lie, But People Do”–Radio Interview from Charles Siefe–Journalists Take Note, He Addresses How Marketing And Bogus Statistics Are Sources of Problems That Mislead the Public & Government

So for right now we are lucky that the non hybrid folks listened to the folks that actually have the “hands on” background to tell them what is possible and what it not so the the break on Meaningful Use part 2 is welcomed.  That is only step one though as not much else will change as we have more non IT hands on executives in the ranks that will be snowed under with the business intelligence of corporate America and do not have the intelligence to be a leader today with what we need  sadly, nice people in the wrong jobs.  

if you are somewhat entice here and want some full packed media material to read, check out my 5 Part series, The Attack of the Killer Algorithms” as this is what we have they attack us and the naïve figurehead executives we have today.

It’s all about cleaning up the math and turn those algorithms that were written for “desired” results into algos for “accurate” results

“Occupy Algorithms”–”The Attack of the Killer Algorithms Part 5” - Nothing Will Improve Until Audits and Actions Takes Place To Correct Formulas Built for Profit Only by Corporations And We Battle Back With Math

Nothing will happen until new code runs through those servers as IT Infrastructure runs almost all processes today in business and government.  BD

CLEVELAND – Doctors’ adoption of health information technology doubled in two years, according to a new report, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius released Wednesday. Sebelius also announced extension of the meaningful use qualification date to 2014.

To encourage faster adoption, Sebelius  announced that HHS intends to allow doctors and hospitals to adopt health IT this year, without meeting the new standards until 2014. Doctors who act quickly can also qualify for incentive payments in 2011 as well as 2012.

“When doctors and hospitals use health IT, patients get better care and we save money,” said Sebelius.“We’re making great progress, but we can’t wait to do more. Too many doctors and hospitals are still using the same record-keeping technology as Hippocrates.Today, we are making it easier for healthcare providers to use new technology to improve the healthcare system for all of us and create more jobs.”,08


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