Sometimes that happens to where no matter what you do with an engineered system, if too much of of the coding uses doesn’t work well then you could be wasting a lot of time trying to fix it.  Sometimes it may be just a module that you can re-write and replace to work with the other modules but from what I am reading here it might be past the point of return here if this is the latest decision, plus fixing it might be more expensive too than a total new system and you still have some corrupt floating around even after a repair.  You can read below where the subsidiary of United Healthcare was called in to see what they could do. 

Maryland State Insurance Exchange Brings In United Healthcare Subsidiary QSSI To Help Repair The System, Their Main Contractor Is Also Owned By Insurance Company, Insurers Have Truckloads of Subsidiary Companies You May Not Be Aware Of

If perhaps the model used in Connecticut is similar enough to where it can work with the needs of the state of Maryland, perhaps it could be used.  Each state model was different and had different contractors and some same and some different technologies used.  Deloitte is the one being called in to fix this one and they have had some bad situations too so there’s big hero contractor that can fix all. 

In Depth Story of the Maryland Insurance Exchange & How It Failed, Sebelius Syndrome Existed Here Too-Government Digital IT Illiteracy And Politics Just Don’t Mix Well..

This would be the first state to chuck it with the entire system, although we know, but nobody has told us officially that there are parts of Healthcare.Gov that were re-written modules too.  That’s just how it works.  If nothing else, folks are finding out how complex IT infrastructures are today and you just run it up the flagpole and give a due date and expect everything to be fine.  The federal program is still having issues with code working with other code and I said the other day that pretty much all of healthcare is just a bunch of algorithms that won’t or can’t work together.  In saying that too, we also add in politics and other situations that make it difficult as folks don’t seem to realize that you can work forever on the verbiage of laws, but the code running on servers 24/7 is what executes. 

The fear of acknowledging this fact was pretty clear a couple years ago when the director of HHS, came out and gave a talk that said “hurry it up”:)  It kind of has some satire and humor to it in the fact that most of the time developers and those writing code are working at 150% anyway so add that novice perception into the batch and the technologists just look at who’s talking and say “huh”…or they get aggravated at the level of digital illiteracy when such speeches are made to the public with politicians with a bunch of bees in her bonnet basically with the fear of this real issue making her look bad, but nothing you can do about it. 

Speed Up Rate of Change in Health IT?–“Short Order Code Kitchen Burned Down a Few Years Ago and There Was No Fire Sale”..IT Infrastructure Chance and Revisions Takes a Lot of ”Code”, “Time” and “ Most Importantly Money”

Here too this “audit” is yet another weird perception as how many experts does the OIG have to accomplish this with the Feds, and last I looked the White House when the site failed had to go searching for them, but that’s the weird and kind of goofy stuff you hear from folks with zero data mechanics knowledge or experience and they try to either explain or do a CYA.

Sebelius Asks Inspector General To Review Healthcare.Gov, How Many JBoss, Red Hat, Linux, Oracle, MarkLogic And Other Experts Does OIG Have? Time Elements of Baking A Cake From Scratch With Writing Custom Code Was Just Not There..

The exchange in Maryland has worked but again if they are ready to chuck it, well that tends to say there’s some truckloads of bad code still hanging around that’s not worth fixing.  It’s like buying a house that is in really bad need of repair with everything run down and not working versus leveling it and starting over.  Same thing works for code and get the right algorithms to work.  BD 

Maryland officials are set to replace the state’s online health-insurance exchange with technology from Connecticut’s insurance marketplace, according to two people familiar with the decision, an acknowledgment that a system that has cost at least $125.5 million is broken beyond repair.

The board of the Maryland exchange plans to vote on the change Tuesday, the day after the end of the first enrollment period for the state’s residents under the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

But unlike Maryland, where the system crashed within moments of launching and has limped along ever since, Connecticut’s exchange has worked as smoothly as any in the country.

Maryland is not alone in having deep-seated problems with its health marketplace. Technical issues also have plagued Oregon, Minnesota and Hawaii. But Maryland will be the first to walk away from its site, a particular embarrassment for Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D), who was placed in charged of implementing health-care reform in Maryland by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D).

Henry said the exchange has cost $125.5 million to develop and operate.

As of last Saturday, 49,293 Maryland residents had enrolled in a private plan through the exchange, far short of the state’s original goal of 150,000 enrollments and shy even of its revised estimate of 75,000 to 100,000.


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