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New research on alcoholism shows that there are five types of alcoholics in the U.S., and more than half of alcholics are young adults. (CBS/AP)

"When most people think of alcoholics, they think of middle-aged men with a profile similar to our chronic severe subtype. Our data shows that alcoholism is more a disorder of youth than previously suspected."

(WebMD) New alcoholism research identifies five types of alcoholics and shows that young adults account for more than half of U.S. alcoholics.
The high percentage of young adults among alcoholics was unexpected, notes researcher Howard Moss, M.D., the associate director for clinical and translational research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA

Study Finds 5 Types Of Alcoholics, Research Also Shows More Than Half Of U.S. Alcoholics Are Young Adults - CBS News


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