You  will need a minimum balance of $2500.00 to get started.  The goal is to encourage health savings accounts to make up for what isn't covered by your policy..or what you find out later is not covered by your policy...another section for employers as well..complete with a bank debit card for qualified takes a while to read the page and fully understand how this functions...much like looking at insurance options, so that format is the same...BD 

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) companies have launched a new financial services organization designed to give consumers greater financial options and to simplify their healthcare-related savings and spending. Blue Healthcare BankSM is a new concept for a new era in healthcare. It was created to support participating Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies and their members enrolled in high deductible health plans. Blue Healthcare Bank is wholly owned by participating independent Blue companies and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

The Blue Healthcare Bank debit card enables employees to access the HRA funds at any point of service (providers or merchants) that accepts debit card payments for qualified expenses. This option is determined by the employer and based on their specific plan.

Blue Healthcare Bank



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