Update on the actions working against eliminating "virtual insurance" and "vaporware policies"...BD 

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders have been working toward providing health care coverage to as many Californians as possible. The governor has even proposed extending coverage to all Californians as a way to ensure people have access to doctors before they end up seeking urgent care in emergency rooms, which is much more expensive.

Unfortunately, HMOs and insurance companies have been engaging in a noxious practice which undermines these noble and necessary efforts. As a way to increase their profits, HMOs have been telling their policyholders that they are covered for treatment - and then canceling the policy after the treatment has been provided, leaving the policyholder with the bill. In other words, you can pay your insurance premiums on time for years, get the necessary pre-authorization for treatment from your insurance company, and the insurer still can refuse to pay for your treatment.

Blue Cross isn't the only company. In California, at least six health insurance companies face legal proceedings for canceling policies after patients sought treatment.

And they thought they had insurance ...


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