Sad story here indeed...not having access to the availability of a dentist..and taking out loans to make payments if needed...does this sound a little familiar, cost?  BD

1 in 20 patients has resorted to DIY dentistry, including pulling their own teeth.

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Some English people have resorted to pulling out their own teeth because they cannot find -- or cannot afford -- a dentist, a major study has revealed.

"Where NHS dental services are available, people are happy with the quality of treatment provided but many find the NHS fee system confusing and expensive, with some patients taking out loans to pay for treatment or more worryingly taking matters into their own hands."

But more than three-quarters of those polled said they had been forced to pay for private treatment because they had been unable to find an NHS dentist. Almost a fifth said they had refused dental treatment because of the cost.

Brits resort to pulling own teeth -

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  1. I understand that 100 million Americans have no dental insurance of any kind. Talk about "toothless aggression"! (I would suggest investing in a good tooth transplant stock.)

  2. Dental insurance in the past has not covered any of this and I understand there's not much hope here either as I have spent a bundle in the past myself for implants.


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