One physician speaks out on how educating patients on how health care works today can be beneficial, as he states patients are not getting the big picture on what is really happening today with healthcare...BD 

I recently had an interesting conversation with a friend who works for one of the large health insurance companies in our area. We had intended just to spend some time together and visit at my home that evening, but the conversation soon turned to what occupies most of our time: health care and insurance.

Our conversation then migrated to a discussion about the relationship between health care providers and the insurance industry. My friend commented that the general perception at his insurance company is that the relationship is adversarial at best, and that providers are the main reason that health costs are so high. We talked about this for a very long time. I pointed out that most physicians and practices are making less now than they ever have, but that the insurance companies are making more than they ever have.

I find it interesting that the insurance company considers us health care providers to be the "enemy," but that incomes for us and our practices have been declining steadily for years. I suspect that some of this "enemy" sentiment extends into the halls of governmental insurance programs, too. It is my opinion that at least some of this sentiment is being translated into the "performance incentives" we see on the horizon.

The patients whom we see every day are not getting the clear picture of what is going on in health care in America.

ADVANCE for Physician Assistants | Editorial


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