Michael Moore's film Sicko opens with the haunting vignette of a man who loses part of two fingers in a sawing mishap. As he lacks both health insurance and a bottomless bank account, hospital authorities give him a choice of which finger to re-attach. It's a wonder the hospital finance office didn't simply tell Moore's hapless accident victim to apply for a line of credit -- an increasingly popular way for the cash-strapped under-insured to cover their medical expenses. Health-care chains such as Kaleida Health, which includes five hospitals and numerous outpatient facilities in upstate New York, advertise credit cards as a way for patients to commence receiving services. Kaleida helpfully notes that G.E.Money's CareCredit "lets you begin your treatment immediately -- then pay for it over time with low monthly payments that are easy to fit into your monthly budget.

AlterNet: Health and Wellness: The Medical Credit Card Trap


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