Interesting article that explores IT certifications and the diminishing emphasis in several areas of IT as certifications are on the rise and how many IT folks have the opportunities to complete many of them...look for the person who can do the job it states...certifications are not a dead issue by any means though, but sometimes requiring only certified individuals can cut you short of qualified candidates...especially in health care where everything is so very "need and application" specific...BD

IT certifications once had a guaranteed value. In the wake of the dot-com bust, large numbers of IT professionals stocked up on letters after their names to improve their job security and prove to their business departments that they had value. In return, they were paid at a higher premium for those letters.

Gautier's sentiments about the decreased value of "paper-certified" IT professionals versus those with proven IT skills are in line with research released Oct. 15 by Foote Partners, an IT work-force research consultancy in Vero Beach, Fla. The report found that for the first time since 2000, the average pay for noncertified IT skills topped that of IT certifications.

IT Skills Triumph Over Certifications


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