And the controversy continues...BD 

SAN DIEGO When an undercover police officer asked Dr. Robert Sterner to prescribe marijuana for his dog, the doctor joked that only two-legged patients were covered by the state's medical marijuana law.  Dr. Robert Sterner talked with patient Rudy Reyes recently. The Medical Board seeks to revoke the physician's medical license, accusing him of gross negligence. So the officer suggested Sterner appoint him caregiver for the dog, a designation that would allow him to obtain marijuana in the animal's name, according to a Medical Board of California. > News > Metro -- Medical marijuana sting targets doctor


  1. This story just makes me sick. So sick, in fact, that I feel like going to my doctor for a prescription to a nice, big, fat joint of Panama Red! Damn Narcs!

  2. It will be nice someday when everyone agrees and we don't have 2 sides conflicting here, is it ok or not ok?


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