Great interview from Robert Scoble with Dr. Lopnghurst...anybody that has been around the web knows Mr. Scoble from his days with Microsoft and Channel 9...he's still around doing some great interviews and this one happens to be about healthcare and this interview covers a number of topics as it relates to Medical IT.  It is 47 minutes long as he mentions, so go get your cup of coffee before you get started.  Very interesting to see and hear about some of the new innovations coming about in health care and how they are being used..we'll forget that the doctor doesn't like tablets though...(grin).  BD 

Here's one example: Christopher Longhurst. He's a doctor at Stanford's Lucille Packard Children's Hospital. He also works in the IT department there. Since our son was born there three weeks ago, and we got a close up look at the computers and other devices strewn through the hospital (free wifi!) I wanted to get the behind-the-scenes look. The most interesting thing? Is just how many mistakes get made in hospitals and how information technology is being used to keep those errors from happening.

The Stanford IT doctor is in (this stuff could save your life) « Scobleizer


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