Strange bedfellows indeed for a lobbying keep company insurance plans in place...BD
As state legislatures, Congress and the presidential candidates turn up the volume on national healthcare reform, more than 50 of Americas largest corporations and most powerful lobbying organizations are joining forces in a campaign to protect their stake in the status quo. The newly formed National Coalition on Benefits will spend the next two months working to convince members of Congress that the health benefits they provide their workers, through a federal exemption for state insurance regulations, are an essential component of the current system that should not be undermined in any reform initiatives.
The corporations making up this umbrella group include some of the largest employers in the country, from AT&T to Xerox; trade associations, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable; and health insurance companies like Aetna and UnitedHealth Group. “We’re trying to make sure that ERISA stays where it is,” said Martin Reiser, Xerox’s manager of government policy and the chairman of the new coalition. “We are going to, over the next 30 to 60 days, have a big lobbying push,” he said.
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