One more item in the battle of infectious germs....reminds me of the dental office with all the covers on their equipment.....BD 

Alpharetta, GA - Today, Microtek Medical Holdings Inc., a global leader in barrier infection control solutions for the healthcare environment, announced the release of StethoClean, a new device that offers clean, disposable stethoscope covers to protect each patient from germs and infectious disease. StethoClean attaches to the stethoscope, making twenty single-use stethoscope covers easily accessible to healthcare professionals as it travels with them throughout the day.

In today’s clinical environments, the stethoscope is rarely cleaned for increasingly contagious and drug resistant bacteria. Fortunately, the innovative, new StethoClean cover from Microtek Medical significantly reduces risk of patient-to-patient exposure from contaminated stethoscopes.

Microtek Medical Introduces StethoClean

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