We posted an article a few months back about the system...uses bluetooth in a cell phone and the ekg goes direct to both the physician and hospital...BD 

When Enorio Branco had crushing chest pain last year, paramedics knew they should bypass the emergency room and rush him straight to a catheterization lab to have a blocked artery cleared immediately.

That's because ambulances run by University Hospital in Newark send a cardiologist a full electrocardiogram on each patient with chest pain as they speed to the hospital.

Southern California has both problems. Paramedics who work in four counties, from San Diego to Los Angeles, must cope with dodgy cell coverage in the hilly areas and multiple ambulance services that use different brands of portable EKG machines and different wireless transmission technology -- and hospitals that don't subscribe to all possible combinations, said Dr. Ivan Rokos, a UCLA Medical Center emergency physician.

The UCLA hospitals also have begun using camera phones to send a photo of the EKG readout, but Newark's Klapholz said sending cardiologists a computer file of the EKG is preferable because it shows them more and allows them to zoom in and out.

New systems help stop heart attacks fast


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