4-D Ultrasound...amazing pictures on developing fetuses with high risk pregnancies...no comparison at all to old ultrasound technologies...amazing how the picture actually shows the face of the developing baby and movement.  Video at the site...BD 

New technology is bringing parents and doctors alike, closer to the babies they care for.

A grainy black and white ultrasound photograph is the first look most parents have of their babies, but now there is 4-D, a detailed view of the womb that is saving lives.

"With these guys I had ultrasounds every week…it was really nice to track their progress when they were inside me and know that they were healthy," said new mother of triplets, Melissa Munsch.

As exciting as the technology may be for parents, it is critical for doctors, who use the images to track fetal development. 4-D gives doctors a chance to see bones, organs and to track blood flow.

"The anatomy is the way it should be and that the baby has grown appropriately or hasn't, allows us a snapshot inside to manage the pregnancy that we otherwise wouldn't have," said Dr. Bill Block, Medical Director of the Minnesota Perinatal Physicians.

KSTP.com - New ultrasound technology saving lives


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