Good question...$20.00 swab test...why not catch it sooner...could have saved this woman's legs possibly...we are not talking a high ticket item here and there is a cure with antibiotics, depending on how strong the strain is...BD 

CBS) Not so long ago Kerri Cardello was a vibrant, 24/7 soccer mom.
Cardello now is struggling with the after effects of MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant staph infection she believes she got in the hospital.
MRSA damaged both of her lungs - and took both of her legs below the knees.
Cardello believes had she been tested for MRSA in the hospital, she would at least been treated sooner, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews reports.
“If they had screening of MRSA,” she said. “Maybe I wouldn’t have lost my legs.”

Why Aren’t The Feds Fighting MRSA Harder?, Hospitals Are Adopting Superbug Screening, But The CDC Hasn’t Ordered Tests - CBS News


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