Especially in the non profit area...many of whom's existence would not be possible without a strong foundation effort for donations.  BD

While Americas private and public medical institutions continue to have success raising money $8 billion last year alone fund-raisers and others say that the rising cost of health care is an issue they must address sometimes with potential donors.

But some fund-raisers say there is more need to show that hospitals are trying to contain costs. At White Memorial Medical Center in East Los Angeles, which serves a primarily low-income Hispanic community, the hospital raised $31 million among many of its patients, said Mary Anne Chern, the president of White’s foundation.  White Memorial is contributing to the community, the hospital discussed its efforts to save money by trying to keep nurses from leaving. Hiring a nurse can cost $70,000 to $85,000, if you include the money in recruiting and training someone, Ms. Chern said, so the hospital is trying harder to retain nurses to avoid those costs.

With Health Costs Rising, a Tougher Sell for Hospitals - New York Times


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