Good article and it relates well to health care IT..just highlighted a couple here, but one important one is #2 which is huge...folks no longer always go to their IT departments for assistance  and it helps to have a CEO that is also aware of the changing paradigm to lead all in a positive direction with a bit of empathy for the IT folks these days..BD

2. The invasion of consumer tech

As I discussed in Sanity check: The six consumer technologies that are destroying traditional IT, it is easier than ever for workers to get their hands on technologies to help them do their jobs without ever consulting the IT department. The problem is that many of these technologies are outside-of-policy and can lead to security and compliance risks. The reason that workers turn to these consumer technologies is that they are faster and easier to get than working with IT, which typically rejects or drags its feet on many requests from users. The root of the problem is a disconnect between IT and users, which leads us directly to No. 1 on the list.

1. Turning IT into a service organization

IT departments have historically seen themselves as the guardians of the computer network and the protectors of the company’s technology assets. In relation to users, IT has often believed that it needs to protect them from themselves.


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