For those still stuck in Email hell  and not up to snuff with RSS reader syndication, the FDA will now add more email to your inbox.  As we have posted in the past, the way to get your daily news is to use an RSS feed as this will eliminate all the additional email in your inbox and it's one heck of a lot easier to read headlines and not have to add alerts to your inbox.  The FDA also has feeds you can subscribe to as well.

For those still using email for your alerts and don't mind the extra bulk, this could be a good solution; however, to really benefit and keep on top of what is going on with the FDA, take a few minutes out and read about how to use a very simple RSS Feed program, as you will be glad you did.  This blog operates from RSS feeds and subscribing is easy.  By imagethe way, you can also subscribe to the FDA releases with RSS here.  We put the latest last 5 releases on this page as well for a quick reference and there are links on this page to a few RSS software programs you can use, or just use a web based reader such as Google and Yahoo if you are restricted at the office from installing software or go pick up one of those new Amazon Kindle readers if you want the hardware as well to read daily news and blogs.  BD 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced a new e-mail service that alerts subscribers whenever information is updated on certain FDA Web pages.

The service is free and available for a wide variety of FDA's Web pages, including food safety protection, medical product approvals and consumer health information.

"Being able to directly communicate with consumers, health care professionals and the regulated industry about the safety of our food supply and medical products is critical to FDA's ongoing commitment to protecting the public health," said Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs. "E-mail is the leading use of the Internet, and this service strengthens FDA's ability to keep its audiences informed quickly and effectively."

FDA launches e-mail alert system


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