Questions about the charges - contract rates or posted rates - in network, out of network?  BD 

A class-action lawsuit filed this week on behalf of two Contra Costa County women claims the doctors charged the women "unfair, unreasonable and inflated" prices - and ruined their credit to boot.

The lawsuit, filed in Alameda County Superior Court, could affect the amount emergency room doctors bill uninsured patients at 55 hospitals in California, including three in San Jose. They were billed high "list prices" that bear little relation to the actual cost of the care provided and are far higher than what insured patients are asked to pay, the lawsuit says.

Kraus, who was uninsured at the time, was charged $363 and Cincotta, while covered by health insurance, may have experienced a gap in her coverage. She was billed as if she were uninsured, about $1,000, said Advertisement Ron Bochner, a Santa Clara-based attorney for both women. They were billed high "list prices" that bear little relation to the actual cost of the care provided and are far higher than what insured patients are asked to pay, the lawsuit says.

San Jose Mercury News - Lawsuit aims to cut ER fees


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