If you dine in this restaurant in San Francisco, be prepared to have a surcharge added to you bill so it can help cover the cost of employee health insurance...BD 

imageLast week, after Delfina's $1.25 health care surcharge was brought to light by the BauerBlog, Hawthorne Lane denizen Two Restaurant also came under some scrutiny when it was discovered to be tacking on a similar charge to its diners' bills. The rub, of course, wasn't the charge itself, but the fact that Two had already provided health care to its employees prior to the Healthy San Francisco mandate, thus giving the impression that the new charge was a bit opportunistic.

The downside for my employees is that we will now need to replace our part-time employees with a smaller number of full time employees

Eater SF: IndustryWire: Two Clarifies Health Care Surcharge


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