Not too long ago I posted an article about how helpful and really necessary it is to have a health care CIO involved in technology and received a response from an anonymous reader who called themselves an "Executive CIO" and felt that someone in that type of position doesn't need any technology expertise...well take a look at this blog and come to your own conclusion here...I will still stand with my original statement that healthcare CIOs do need this background and understanding today and that a CIO is no longer just an "Executive"...just read through John Halamka's blog and see the benefits....which type of CIO do you see who gets with the rank and file and rolls up his sleeves...or one that prefers to be just an "Executive"...versus one who is all over Web 2.0 and communicates openly about the committees and progression?  Much of the services through Web 2.0 are why not capitalize and initiate the levels of security needed to benefit along with open transparency that goes along with the projects...BD 

"To help accelerate our Web 2.0 efforts, my web teams investigated Web Content Management Systems (CMS) which offer an integrated suite of page creation, wiki, blog, forum, and other distributed publishing tools.We evaluated offerings from Microsoft, Ektron, SiteCore, Documentum and others. The end result of our evaluation was to use SiteCore for content management in combination with free Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 tools."

Life as a Healthcare CIO: Web Content Management Systems


  1. You should check the Care Converge Content Management System.


  2. You should check the Care Converge Content Management System.


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