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More than Half of U.S. Hospitals are now technically insolvent or at risk of insolvency - study
More than Half of U.S. Hospitals are now technically insolvent or at risk of insolvency - study

Those who brought on technology earlier seemed to fair a bit better than those without or very little technology...BD  Looming Crisis Takes on New Sense of Urgency as Dependence on Sources of Non-Patient Care Revenue Become More Vulnerable in Weakening Economy New York, NY - More than half of sh…

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'CSI' sleuths out Microsoft's latest technology - Tablet PCs, UMPCs and Surface....
'CSI' sleuths out Microsoft's latest technology - Tablet PCs, UMPCs and Surface....

CSI-NY may have the advantage here with Tablet PCs, as they have been featured on the show all the last season...more details from last year here...and now the Miami show looks to have some "Surface" features included...all shows are slated to be paperless very soon...BD  The CSI franchise also p…

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Time to Roll for SafeMed
Time to Roll for SafeMed

The integrated software solution is in use by many major EMR software companies..."SafeMed is an analytical software company dedicated to transforming healthcare decision-making by providing information that is trusted, understandable, personalized, and useful by doctors and patients."..there are 4…

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Chilean town giving free Viagra to senior citizens
Chilean town giving free Viagra to senior citizens

The article states "to improve the quality of life"...BD  SANTIAGO, Chile - A working class suburb of Chile's capital began handing out free Viagra to senior citizens on Wednesday. Lo Prado Mayor Gonzalo Navarrete said he launched the program because "an active sexuality improves the overall qual…

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Opening Doors To Information - Secrets of the Trade for any Physician
Opening Doors To Information - Secrets of the Trade for any Physician

One of the items cited in this article is a "lousy workflow" which paper creates...tricks of the trade here include an EHR, using Nuance Dragon Dictation and emailing patients...and he notes how expensive it is to answer the phone...patients are happy with getting lab results via email too...and wi…

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FDA begins major hiring initiative
FDA begins major hiring initiative

Could there be an FDA job fair in the near future?  Anyway, good news with the agency reacting to the needs of the times...BD   The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it is starting a major hiring initiative designed to fill more than 1,300 public health positions. Biologists, chemists, medic…

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Pet Gadgets - One for the Dog
Pet Gadgets - One for the Dog

A little off topic here, but I think this one has some real potential...for anybody that is walking the dog and getting their exercise....BD  It's not pleasant to think about, but owning a pet means that you'll eventually have to clean up your companion's loose stools or diarrhea. With this gross…

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2nd Annual Diabetes Mine™ Design Challenge
2nd Annual Diabetes Mine™ Design Challenge

Submissions for the contest begins on April 30th and runs through May26th...more details at the Medgadget website...a video needs to be created and sent to enter...should see some new and inventive concepts as well as some great potential aesthetics, after all it's the ease of use and appeal to the…

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DARPA spotlighting the Cars that Drive themselves...
DARPA spotlighting the Cars that Drive themselves...

Department of Defense is busy with many areas of development, outside of medical care as's a simple search of some of the stories from the past, including the cars that drive themselves from last years competition...videos from the Stanford Intel car named "Junior"...that came in 2nd...…

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Voice-recognition tool aids battlefield doctors - Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking
Voice-recognition tool aids battlefield doctors - Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking

I use Dragon software on the Sahara tablet and have done a couple You Tube Videos as well on using dictation through the dual array microphones, which means no headset...nice to have this option when in a semi quiet area and not have to worry about a headset.  BD  Surgeons, radiologists and othe…

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Hawaii Medical Center to cut 89 jobs - Perot Systems contract signed to replace in house administrative departments..
Hawaii Medical Center to cut 89 jobs - Perot Systems contract signed to replace in house administrative departments..

An attempt to save a hospital deep in financial debt....the state's only physician owned for profit hospitals...BD  Eighty-nine employees at Hawaii Medical Center will lose their jobs at the end of June when the hospital outsources work in its administrative departments. The head of HMC said the…

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The Army’s health IT hothouse
The Army’s health IT hothouse

Good article talking about what is going on with the DOD and healthcare...telemedicine is fueling some of the most sophisticated health IT developments in the world...BD  Today, DOD produces a torrent of research that has put it years ahead of most private organizations when it comes to understan…

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Medical Advances—Through Your Cell Phone
Medical Advances—Through Your Cell Phone

Update and Additional information on telemedicine... it will be a challenge in the future to be able to select the product and device that works for both the patient, physician and sometimes the hospital as well....when on the run, cell phones are a great asset for deriving and entering information.…

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Microsoft developing ad-funded, senior PCs in UK
Microsoft developing ad-funded, senior PCs in UK

This is a great idea as I actively work helping seniors with computers...and there are so many devices that relate to healthcare that need to work with a PC...BD  The geriatric set most definitely has plenty of cellphones catered to them, but finding a computer that's equally simple to operate is…

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World's first cardiac re-synchronization therapy defibrillator device
World's first cardiac re-synchronization therapy defibrillator device

One patient yesterday became the first to have the implant...the hospital will be able to communicate and access information over phone lines...BD  A doctor holds a mock-up of the world's first cardiac re-synchronization therapy defibrillator device "Consulta CRT-D", made by U.S. company Medtron…

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Not So Vain: Carly Simon's Panicky Past
Not So Vain: Carly Simon's Panicky Past

Nice when celebrity stories are brought to the forefront to discuss something that seems to affect all of us at one time or one form or another...some use beta blockers before a performance, some alcohol, etc....something to just take the edge off...nobody wants to fail when in front o…

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Tibco backing Microsoft Silverlight
Tibco backing Microsoft Silverlight

 Hard hat area:  Tibco has a healthcare market that works with HIPAA compliance solutions as well as an HL7 solution...BD  San Francisco - Tibco Software is throwing its support behind Microsoft's new Silverlight browser plug-in technology for rich Internet applications and also is offering users …

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The Biniki – a bra for your butt
The Biniki – a bra for your butt

Well this one had to be I guess...we already have apparel that addresses the top portion of our bodies, but wait, this is good news for men too, there's one available for the male sector...models have been using items such as duct tape for years to enhance their appearance, so the technique here is…

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Johnson & Johnson Cuts Another 400 Jobs
Johnson & Johnson Cuts Another 400 Jobs

One more pharma company reacting to the changing the DNA biotech sector continues it's rapid and steady growth, big pharma continues to shift it's directions and marketing as well...sequencing is going to play a big roll soon and is destined to take much of the 'hit and miss' from how me…

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Congressman: 'Citizens Can No Longer Trust' FDA
Congressman: 'Citizens Can No Longer Trust' FDA

 One more strike for the we continue as a nation to outsource beyond our borders so grows the responsibility to protect US citizens...something to ponder...what is the price we pay today for "cheaper" products made outside the borders of the country...everybody is in control but in reality,…

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Researchers create heart and blood cells from reprogrammed skin cells
Researchers create heart and blood cells from reprogrammed skin cells

Using the cells from the patient appears to be the key element here...there are people already walking around with bladders that have been created in a similar fashion....BD  Stem cell researchers at UCLA were able to grow functioning cardiac cells using mouse skin cells that had been reprogramme…

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Gene Sequencing for the Masses - affordable at $150,000
Gene Sequencing for the Masses - affordable at $150,000

It is anticipated that it will sequence 10 billion base pairs in a single 80 hour run...Harvard and MIT have already purchased a unit...mid May should offer availability for all...with the open source design users will be able to set up their own queries, etc.  The article states that sequencing ve…

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Wellpoint to buy firm operating Delta Dental
Wellpoint to buy firm operating Delta Dental

DeCare contracts with Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota, Medica and others. It administers 10 dental plans, including Delta Dental and recent links are being found between oral and medical conditions....BD  One of the nation's biggest health insurers, Wellpoint Inc., is buying the administra…

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Entegrion wins FDA approval to sell bandages to consumers that Entegrion wins FDA approval to sell bandages to consumers that "stop the bleeding"...

The product is both safe for home and can be used in a clinical setting...make the blood start clotting immediately...coming to the Internet or drug store soon...BD  Research Triangle Park, N.C. — Entegrion, a medical technology firm utilizing technology developed at the University of North Carol…

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New concept sends medical images via cellular phones
New concept sends medical images via cellular phones

Cell phones are becoming more popular by the minute, especially with medical imaging, nice story on the software and hardware process to send an image via a cell phone...good use for both rural and developing areas of the world...BD A process to transmit medical images via cellular phones that ha…

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Testimony Of Baxter CEO Before Subcommittee On Oversight And Investigations Committee On Energy And Commerce U.S. House
Testimony Of Baxter CEO Before Subcommittee On Oversight And Investigations Committee On Energy And Commerce U.S. House

These items relate to a woman and her son were going in for dialysis treatments whereby heparin was used...and she lost both...sad story indeed....and what is the future...pharmaceuticals must have the highest standards as they are products we use in our bodies and there's no room for "knock offs" …

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'Rotten eggs' in the blood - more gas in our system someday
'Rotten eggs' in the blood - more gas in our system someday

Interesting research going on here...with H2S combat and treat other diseases such as diabetes and helping with the cardiovascular system...draw your own conclusion on the "controlled and regulated manner" sounds like the key is put the gas where it's needed...BD  Hydrogen sulphide …

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Merck shares hammered after FDA rejects Cordaptive
Merck shares hammered after FDA rejects Cordaptive

Rituxan fails (again) in late-stage lupus trial One application for approval and one disappointing study for the pharma business this week.. Shares of Merck were sliding again this morning on the news that the FDA has turned thumbs down on MK-0524A, (Cordaptive) its new cholesterol therapy. The sto…

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Pharmacies to Push E-Prescribing with advertising campaign...
Pharmacies to Push E-Prescribing with advertising campaign...

Consumers will also see signs on the doors and counters saying that they CAN fill electronic prescriptions...coming to a pharmacy near you if we can just get the DEA to join in and go paperless and quit worrying about the 3 part scripts where the doctor has to bring out the old paper to …

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FDA approves coronary artery plaque imaging device
FDA approves coronary artery plaque imaging device

A fiber optic catheter....initial use will be for diagnosis purposes initially for patients who have already had treatments to help in prevention of a second coronary analysis of the chemical content of the plaque....will find lipid rich plaque at each segment...the video at the site will…

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Call of Medicine Gives Way to Family Tug
Call of Medicine Gives Way to Family Tug

Hospitals changing physician hours...splitting their time between the hospital and ambulatory time....helping the physicians get a life back...BD  Young docs are trying to balance work and family life in a way that was all but unheard of a generation ago, and medicine is changing to accommodate th…

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Doctors remove 57 kg fat from a Russian woman's belly
Doctors remove 57 kg fat from a Russian woman's belly

How do these tumors get ignored to get to this size?  BD  Natalya was overweight since 13 as she had hormonal disturbance, she tried all the existing diets, visited hundreds of doctors, but with no result. With years her her belly was growing larger and larger. Finally it became so huge that the w…

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HealthBlog : The Doctor's Channel
HealthBlog : The Doctor's Channel

Last week I had posted about Ozmosis and the Doctor's Channel and the teamwork between both sites to bring together a discussion forum where everyone knows who everyone other words physicians talking with physicians.....if you have not visited the the Doctor's Channel site it's well worth t…

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Are Men Facing Extinction? The Y Chromosome is Are Men Facing Extinction? The Y Chromosome is "Fatally Flawed"

Well from the female side of things we have known for years that something has been flawed along the way...but for our lifetime we won't have to worry about life without men...just the flaws and a world of men trying to get their "groove" back....and as the article states, Hooters has a number of y…

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Health Care In America: Pay To Play Isn’t Working…
Health Care In America: Pay To Play Isn’t Working…

A great story on Remote Area Medical...lives on donations....treated 17,000 patients last year...on one day they treated 600 people on Saturday....and Sunday there was a repeat of the same...the program relies on donations, very few from any big companies or big industries...originally his system w…

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Volunteers needed for chocolate study - Women only
Volunteers needed for chocolate study - Women only

Volunteers need to be women who are past menopause and have diabetes type 2...chocolate and coffee....are there benefits and is there in fact good coffee and good chocolate?  Time will tell, but I wonder how it tastes...the bad guys are looking to become the good guys with diet and nutrition as stu…

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An OxyContin That Addicts Can’t Abuse?
An OxyContin That Addicts Can’t Abuse?

Interesting concept...a no crush pill?  BD Purdue Pharma, which makes the controversial painkiller, is racing to introduce a tamper-resistant version ahead of three other drugmakers that are developing their own versions with rival technologies designed to prevent abuse, Bloomberg News writes. Ne…

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Prescription for loss - California
Prescription for loss - California

There's no fix in sight...with the budget cuts coming July 1st and the smaller independent pharmacies are feeling the pinch...Medical prescription benefits being cut by 10%...but the one statement that is strange is the fact that the state does not use generics?  BD  On top of the planned cuts, p…

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Fewer certified EHR programs on the market...
Fewer certified EHR programs on the market...

This is a hot topic for a couple reasons, EMRs already have the tag of being expensive for the physician and number two, the speed of technology and what is available in the market is adding to the task...with the addition of technologies such as Silverlight with a much dynamic interface and the ab…

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GE Healthcare Completes Acquisition Of Whatman Plc
GE Healthcare Completes Acquisition Of Whatman Plc

With this acquisition, GE appears to make a big investment in the DNA market....they have a multitude of products, mostly for lab testing and filtering on one hand...but also have some products related directly to storage and transport of DNA...and one product will allow for faster DNA data mining..…

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Hospital records in the wrong hands - patient given his records and those of 4 others
Hospital records in the wrong hands - patient given his records and those of 4 others

In Florida, man was given his own records and those of 4 other patients...he called the 4 others patients, and one was still in the hospital, but he had everything on the security numbers, history of MRSA, and much at the source....sound like someone simply did not do…

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How can insurance companies find out if you have a pre-existing condition - The MIB
How can insurance companies find out if you have a pre-existing condition - The MIB

If you are not aware of the MIB when it comes to health insurance, read this...BD  I have heard people mention the MIB as a source, but where do they get their info? I thought medical records were strictly private, how do they find out your past medical info? Records are private between you and …

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Remote-Presence Robot Attends Patients at Ryder Trauma Center
Remote-Presence Robot Attends Patients at Ryder Trauma Center

 One more facility gets "Robo-Doc".  If you have never seen one of these in motion, it is a little different when standing in a hallway and the machine says "excuse me, can I get by"...bedside consults can be done when the doctor is not at the facility by simply logging in and using a joy stick to c…

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VitalJacket heart monitoring shirt
VitalJacket heart monitoring shirt

You have 2 choices with the shirt, store the information on an SD data card to read with a PC later or use a live online PDA phone to collect data in real time...BD  The Vital Jacket is a wearable vital signs monitoring system that joins textiles with microelectronics. It was designed and develop…

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Surgeon Creates Portable Ultrasound for Telemedicine...
Surgeon Creates Portable Ultrasound for Telemedicine...

Using telemedicine, this physician is monitoring the conditions of those climbing Mount Everest..he created a 10 pound ultrasound tool and plans to use the tool for the Olympics...BD  On Monday, he linked with his subjects through his laptop. Using video, Dulchavsky showed the climbers how to mov…

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Tablet PCs Being Used by Outpatient Physicians...
Tablet PCs Being Used by Outpatient Physicians...

One particular note of interest in the survey is that integrated software is definitely pushing the sales of Tablet well as other medical devices that use a tablet, such as a portable EKG for reporting purposes...physicians are mobile and thus their information they need has to be mobile..…

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Hair-razing devices for the home
Hair-razing devices for the home

There will be limitations compared to units used in a professional office, but lasers are coming to the home front...both products receiving FDA approval...not inexpensive though...but perhaps over time would save money over a professional treatment...BD  Coming soon to doctors' offices and retai…

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How to Be Like Mike?  Is it in the Genes to be an athlete
How to Be Like Mike? Is it in the Genes to be an athlete

Could this be an end to the proverbial football scout and is this going too far...I think so...but it is happening...public or not public...perhaps has not hit the US in big force yet and then there are the legal issues, but how do you stop someone showing up with their DNA report to qualify for a …

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