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Only a few slipped back in to depression with the generic drug the report states..and there were a few other side effects...but not enough for any read danger as interpreted by the FDA...BD 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A cheaper, generic version of GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Wellbutrin XL antidepressant is just as safe and effective, despite complaints from some patients, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday.

Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc also makes a 300-mg XL version of bupropion, though it was not part of the FDA's review.

GlaxoSmithKline makes other versions of Wellbutrin that face generic competition. Total sales of Wellbutrin slipped 37 percent last year in the face of generic competition, the company has reported.

FDA says generic Wellbutrin OK despite reports - Yahoo! News


  1. That's a crock! Just read all the stories all over the net of people who have had their families and friendships destroyed because of this drug.
    Pharmaceutical Companies Withheld Negative Results in Trials of SSRIs

    "You didn't change - It's the drugs that have re-wired your brain and changed you!"

  2. So why aren't these side effects told to patients?

    Antidepressant warning signs - Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Generics etc. -

    New or worse depression,
    New or worse anxiety,
    Aggression and anger,
    Acting on dangerous impulses,
    Normal feelings diminished,
    Can't feel love compassion or remorse,
    Impaired reasoning,
    Amphetamine effect,
    New or worse irritability,
    Feeling agitated or restless,
    Difficulty sleeping,
    Extreme hyperactivity,
    Other unusual changes in behavior
    Increased alcohol consumption,
    Irrational thoughts,
    Sexual promiscuity,
    Judgment impaired,
    Leave their families.

    If you know anyone on anti-depressants send them this info or talk to them about getting off the drugs with a good doctor.
    It's the most hidden addiction out there today screwing up lives and destroying raltionships with friends and families - unnecessarily !


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