How scientific has competing in the Olympics centers that use state of the art  equipment...with world class doctors and trainers....there has been discussion over this in the past with athletes being selected on the DNA make can get right down to the the needed power stroke to wine the boating/rowing competition...analyze, analyze and analyze one more time....BD

image "We know more about the human body, we know more about how to train -- when to put a stress on the training sessions, when to pull it back and let them recover," Ingram said. "The great coaches know exactly how much stress and pressure to apply."

Given the pressures of performing one's best on race day, mental analysis is part of that assessment, thanks to the rise of sports psychology. At Northern Arizona University's Center for High Altitude Training in Flagstaff, runners receive analyses of what their foot posture and gait mean for their performance."  The big advantage for us is that we have 16 cameras between two gyms and are able to record from so many angles," said Ron Brandt, men's senior gymnastics coordinator in an August statement announcing the technology.

ABC News: Athletes Rely on Gold Medal Science


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